Page 43 of Cuckoo (Kindred)

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Rolling to her back, she opened her eyes. “Are you ever going to tell me what it is he does that makes you say these cryptic things?”

“You know me, baby,” he said, sliding his hand down to her breast so he could toy with her nipple through the sheer material she wore. “Cryptic keeps you on your toes. I like that.”

A loud bear yawn from the bed made her sit up in time to see Tuck get up and stretch to the ceiling. “What’s the update?” he asked, opening his arms to each side. The ripple of the muscles in his arms reminded her of Brodie, and she recalled the first time she’d laid eyes on Tuck, when he happened to be shirtless.

Brodie’s fingertips crossed her face to press her opposite cheekbone until she was facing him. “What?” she asked, but he just glared and went to his sight.

“What we got?” Tuck asked, rubbing the stubble on his jaw.

Brodie settled back, bringing his hands up to the back of his head in a relaxed pose. “Guy just started jerking off. We’re good.”

Shocked and interested, she hadn’t considered what would happen if their subject got intimate with himself or others. “Seriously?” she asked, clambering onto Brodie’s lap to peek through the sight.

“Least he’s up, we might get some action,” Tuck said.

“This takes invasion of privacy to a whole new level,” she said, knowing that she should be more demure but intent on the movement of the bedclothes over Kahlil’s lap. As disgusting as it was to watch, it was useful. His ability to intimidate dwindled with every jerk of his fist.

Brodie’s hands held her hips, they slid around to her abdomen and up under her top to cup her breasts. She grabbed his arms to try to tug them away. “What?” he asked, countering her strength without breaking a sweat.

His hot, entitled hands shouldn’t be touching her in intimate places during this spectacle. “Don’t stimulate me while I’m watching… this,” she protested.

“You’re the one choosing to watch,” Brodie muttered. “You want the full stereo experience?”

He tapped a button on the laptop, and Kahlil’s pants and grunts echoed into the room. That enhancement was more than she could stomach. The foul performance made her close the laptop to cut off the audio. Flopping back on him, his hands pressed into her breasts as she tipped her head to look at him.

He’d succeeded in his goal of grossing her out, so she took a turn at doing the same to him. “Want me to blow you and we’ll see who finishes first?”

His face distorted in disgust and his hands disappeared from inside her top. “Ok, that’s just wrong.”

Tuck laughed and ran his hands through his hair. “I’m gonna jump in the shower, then I’ll go out for coffee.” He pointed at Brodie. “You ok for a bit, Bud?”

Brodie waved him away then opened up the laptop and logged it in. “I’m good.”

Tuck grabbed some things from their supplies bag and went into the bathroom. The shower went on ten seconds later. It was on for less than two minutes, and two minutes after that he was bidding them goodbye. She was still curled in Brodie’s lap. They hadn’t even spoken to each other.

“He’s quick,” she said after the room door closed.

“Speed is required for necessities,” he said, holding her body when he leaned forward to check their subject again. “If you can’t be quick, you don’t shower.”

“Do you want to shower?” she asked, stroking his shoulder and nuzzling closer to his neck, but he smelled clean and given what they’d done last night, she was surprised.

He explained before she asked. “I showered before Tuck got into bed with you. I’ll get naked when there’s someone on watch.”

“I can be on watch,” she said.

“Yeah, but if I’m naked you’ll be watching the wrong thing. We’re not doing surveillance on my dick.” She wouldn’t mind that job, and when his lip curled, she knew he was aware of her thoughts. Pushing her onto the couch, he got up. “I’m gonna wash my face. You keep watch while I do that.”

He was humoring her, giving her a chance to steer the car while he still worked the pedals, but she would pay her dues and do grunt work. It took time to work through the ranks, to prove she was capable of protecting these formidable men.

“You won’t be naked?” she called over the couch when he walked toward the bathroom.

“No, I won’t,” he said, and she was glad to be amusing him. “When I am, you’re distracted, and you need to focus.”

Pointing at the window before he went into the bathroom, she followed his silent instruction and turned to peek through the sight. She’d missed Kahlil’s climax but was completely ok with that. On the desk beside her was a notebook with notations in it and the computer with a program open, the background was black, and there were a bunch of options along with the main audio visualizer.

She leaned forward, expecting to see Kahlil getting ready for the day. But what she saw was Kahlil walking toward his front door. Grabbing up the headphones, she plugged them in and hit record just before he opened the door.

One of the guys in the hallway shoved Kahlil inside, and the other came in to close the door. “Did you get it?” the first goon asked and she squinted to peer closer. These were the guys from the parking garage.
