Page 26 of No Sugar Coating It

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“Yes, but make no mistake,” I begin as I slide across his chest, giving him a racy show as I make my way over to his other bond. “You still hold all the power. You safe out, and we’re done. Sceneover. We find something else to occupy ourselves with. I might pick the entertainment, but you get the final word, always.”

Byron nods as he watches me loosen the other rope on his wrist. There. The color is already returning to his hands. Treating him like he’s the most precious thing in the universe to me has been a real and rare treat. Huh. Who would have thought I’d learn something new about myself at my age? Anyway, I’ll never have this opportunity again to be affectionate with a human, so I’m going to savor every second I can get. Byron watches me carefully, never taking his eyes off me as I hop off of the bed and move back toward the edge by his feet. It’s like he’s afraid I’ll suddenly poof into a cloud of smoke.

“Huh. I never thought of it that way before,” he says. “But… thank you. For everything.”

I blink, unsure of what to say. Heat floods my cheeks, and I look straight up at the ceiling before my damned eyes can water again. I can’t be getting flushed right before I peg the guy. I just can’t.

“Stop that. I’m supposed to be fucking your ass in a second and you’re making this weird,” I say, dabbing at my eyes.

Byron lets out a dark chuckle. “Seriously? You’re the one about to fuck me with an oversized gummy dildo and I’m making this weird?”

Whatever. We don’t have time to banter and screw around. Not when there’s actual screwing to be had. So, I don’t take his bait and instead snap my fingers to summon a bottle of strawberry-flavored lube into my hand. I squirt a generous amount into my palms and onto the dildo, then retract my claws before teasing his opening with my fingers. He lets out a deep moan of appreciation as I goad his hole, gently of course, until it stretches to my satisfaction. I insert a third finger, and when I look up to check on him, I nearly bite my own tongue. Byron’seyes roll back into his head, and his throat tightens while sweat already dribbles from his forehead.

“Doing okay? Enjoying yourself?” I growl.

He swallows thickly, then murmurs, “Loving it so far.”

I insert another finger into his tight hole and move it back and forth in slow movements. He bucks his hips, and for the first time since meeting him, I’d nearly forgotten all about his cock. Byron’s hardened length stabs into the air with each buck of his hips, and precum rolls down his shaft. He’s liable to burst soon unless I take things a step further. It wouldn’t do if he came already, so I insert my whole hand into his ass and make a fist. His eyes fly open, and he lets out a guttural cry.

“Fuck, yes!” His voice echoes, and a swell of pride makes my chest tighten until I can barely breathe.

“You’re taking me so well,” I croon. “An entire fist in your ass, and no complaints? Color me surprised.”

Byron tenses against his bonds again, as though he’d forgotten they were there. He wants to touch me. I know he does. And a big part of me wants him to touch me, too, but not yet. Not when there’s so much left to explore with him.

He chuckles and says, “To be fair, your fist is tiny. Smaller than a baseball.”

I blink, then lift my other hand and make a fist to examine it. “What? It’s not that small, is it? Anyway, I have no idea what a baseball even is, so that’s irrelevant. What I want to know is how you know that. Did you put something up here before, Byron?”

His laugh sounds exhausted, then he says, “N-No! You’re my first, I swear!”

Byron bites his bottom lip as his hips continue to buck. It’s getting more and more difficult to ignore his cock, even though my mouth and throat want nothing more than to devour him whole.

“Doesn’t know what a baseball is,” he mutters to himself. “I need to take you to a game, then.”

But I shake my head and tap his inner thigh, reminding him with sad eyes that no, there’s not going to be a later for us. There won’t be any more fun outings. There’s only this moment. Right now, right here. His throat bobs up and down, and he nods, remembering himself. Not wanting to spoil the moment with something as disgusting as feelings, I withdraw my fist from his ass and position the gummy dildo to his entrance.

“Are you ready for this?” I purr. When his eyes meet mine, I see a flicker of defiance in them. He nods. “Good. And you remember your safe word?”

He nods again.

I slide the tip of the gummy dildo into his entrance and sink forward. Byron’s deep moans are encouraging, so I continue to press into him until I’m up to the hilt and seated against him. I sink down onto the mattress on my knees until I’m seated within him, then wait for him to adjust to the fullness. His eyes meet mine, and his abdomen strains as his chest heaves in deep, rhythmic breaths.

“Good. Just breathe, just like that,” I say as I run my claws down his abs. A shiver runs through his muscular body, and then he nods.

“This is okay,” he says. “I’m okay.”

The scent of sweat and strawberry fills the room, creating an intoxicating blend that I wish I could bottle up as a perfume. Dab it on behind my ears during my loneliest nights so I can remember the way Byron shuddered beneath me. Remember the ways he’d come undone for me. My Byron. My beautiful, charming sub, who I will remember for the rest of my days.

Will he remember me, too, when he is old and gray?

I slide in and out of him as my mind races through all the endless possibilities. The futures I would never have, themoments we would never share. His head tilts back as he lets out a throaty moan. Euphoria takes over his facial expressions, and I quicken my pace, fucking him not like a submissive but like a lover.

“Yes, like that,” he moans. And perhaps against my better judgement, I snap my fingers and allow the bonds restraining him to disappear completely. Byron notices his newfound freedom immediately and lifts his arms, beckoning me to come down to him. To lay on top of him. I oblige, of course, because I’m not a monster, after all, and because I also need this, too. My breasts crush against his chest, and our mouths meet like two friends who haven’t seen one other in years.

Byron’s tongue swirls around mine, timid at first. And then his arms wrap around my waist to pull me tighter against him. I never stop moving within him, doing my best to keep some semblance of a rhythm as our bodies meet in ecstasy.

“Faith,” he whispers hoarsely into the crook of my neck. “I love you.”
