Page 105 of Saving Kate

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“Liar,” I snap and he chuckles shrugging.

“Bet you can’t do it twice.”

“She can,” Asher says and I realize I’ve somehow made my way in between his legs when he was giving me tips.

We play a few more rounds, I kill Eli once more, and then I call it quits. I get up to leave and Asher is quickly on his feet following me. I stop outside my door before taking a breath and turn towards him. “Ash…” I hesitate and he shakes his head.

“I’m sorry, Kate,” he says and if I didn’t know any better I’d say he is fighting off crying. “Please. You have to know, I never once wanted to lie and hurt you. It was just complicated.”

“I can’t trust any of you, Asher. I can’t trust you.”

He nods. “I know, and that’s on me to fix. Just give me a chance to fix it?”

Warnings scream in my head not to trust his sweet words. But my heart throbs and my body longs to sleep in his arms once more so he can fend off the nightmares. I decide against saying anything on the subject of forgiving him and just glance back at the door.

“Would you lay with me?” I ask.

He smirks. “Just lay?”

I give him a dirty look as I push the door open. “I’m kidding, beautiful,” he says and wraps me in his arms with my back to his chest. “I’ll lay with you every night that you’ll let me.”


Waking the next morning in Asher’s arms brings a peace I can barely describe. I carefully glance up at him, trying not to stir him, but the second I go to sit up he wakes with a start. His eyes focus on me and he calms down as he smiles lazily at me.

“Morning,” he says and I smile softly as I lay my head back on his bare chest. “Come on, I’m training you today.”

I groan and he chuckles as his hands run down my spine making my shiver.

“You know you can’t resist the chance to throw some punches at me.”

I grin softly up at him. “That does sound kind of fun.”

“Just avoid the face,” he says, gesturing a hand around his face. “It’s a work of art.”

I resist the urge to smack him and just chuckle as I drag myself to find some clothes to wear.

“Clothing is still optional,” he reminds me as he comes up behind me.

“Asher Maxwell,” I warn him and he shrugs.

“Just wanted to let you know your options,” he teases.

Rhonda looks surprised to see me and offers me everything under the sun for breakfast. I agree to toast and scrambled eggs and she hurries to work on it. Eli and Ax emerge from the gym and Eli smiles at me.

“Good to see you up,” he says.

“Asher promised I could punch him,” I tell him and they all laugh at me.

I finish my food and coffee and Asher eagerly drags me to the gym. He wraps my hands and helps me pull the boxing gloves on. Today apparently isn’t about just letting out frustration and instead we spend time on what Asher describes as the perfect punch.

Once he announces my technique is better, he puts the mitts on his hands to let me swing at him. My arms are sore from yesterday and when I finally call it quits I’m drenched in sweat. It doesn’t seem to bother Asher as he lifts me in a hug.

“That was hot, babe,” he laughs.

I roll my eyes at him as he puts me down, our bodies still mashed together. I can feel his bulge harden through his gym shorts and my face flushes. My body doesn’t seem to care that I should still be on edge or mad at him and the other guys. Instead, it only screams for the release it had only just found, days before I broke down.

“I’m gonna go shower,” I breathe awkwardly as I separate my skin from his.
