Page 119 of Saving Kate

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“I would never hurt you—” he snaps at me after he hesitantly glances around the room.

His face is covered with shame and I shake my head.

“No, but you all played me,” I whisper and clench my hands to keep the tears away from my eyes.

“Kate, we never—” Asher starts and steps toward me but I hold my hands up to stop him.

“You all made me think you… you…” I laugh and shake my head. “And I’m so stupid I liked all of you back. I hate that I trusted you, Ax. I trusted all of you. What was even the plan? To keep me alive for two more years and see how many times you could fuck me in the mean time?”

Ax is silent for a moment before laughing so hard he places his hands on his knees trying to hold himself upright. It makes me want to punch him but Eli beats me to it as he shoves him.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Eli snaps.

“That’s what you think?” Ax laughs eyeing me. “You think that was the plan?”

I grit my teeth and refuse to answer him.

“We fucked up our plan because of you, Katie!” He snaps. “We weren’t ever supposed to fucking fall in love with you.”

My breath catches in my throat. I wait for him to start laughing again. Or even to go back to his tantrum of destroying his room. But I glance at Eli and Asher and they both avoid my eyes.

“Liar,” I snap.

“Whether you believe us or not doesn’t matter anymore,” Asher sighs. “Whether you trust us or believe us isn’t going to stop us from making sure you’re safe.”

“Hopefully when this is over, you’ll forgive us,” Eli sighs. “Go back to sleep. And you,” he snaps at Ax who is still watching me with a distraught face. “Go shower or head to the gym while I call someone to come clean up this shit.”

I don’t leave my room for two days.

I can hardly bring myself to answer Bianca’s worried texts. The irrational side of me wants to stay in the illusion that hiding under the blankets will keep reality from getting in.

Bianca’s reminder text that I should be excitedly getting ready for school starting in a couple weeks tells me the world is still going on while I’m hiding.

I bring myself out of my room and find Asher in the gym. He looks up at me surprised before smirking. “I was just about to start a workout, but I don’t mind working you out instead.”

I roll my eyes at him and he comes to sit beside me when I slump into the bench.

“How are you doing, baby cakes?”

I make a face at the nickname, making him laugh.

“I don’t know honestly. It’s all just, a lot.”

“Still feeling the urge to punch me?”

I try to hide my smile. “Jury’s still out.”

He laughs loudly and wraps an arm around me.

“How about we skip the workout and head right for the showers instead?”

“We?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Consider it the start of the cheering up?”

I am about to laugh and shove him away but his blue eyes look at me hungrily, making my body react against my better judgment.

“It’s hard staying mad at you,” I groan and he smiles brightly.
