Page 142 of Saving Kate

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“You work with Doctor Thorne?” I choke out. “You’ve been working with my dad? All this time?”

“You should have never fucking come back here, Kate,” he sighs barely looking at me. “I never wanted to get involved in this shit.”

“S-so just let me go?” I offer and he laughs at me. “They made you? You don’t want this. We… we can just go back to Ax’s—”

“Don’t be fucking stupid, Kate,” he snaps. “I can’t step foot back there. And if I show up at the drop off location without you I’m fucked. So, just shut your mouth for two damn seconds.”

He runs a hand through his hair before pulling out a small flip phone from his pocket. It’s not the smart phone he usually has and I’m assuming isn’t his usual number. Any chance of Colt tracking us disappears and I’m running out of any small thread of hope I have of making it back to Ax, Eli and Asher.

God. I just got them. I just found happiness. I just started to trust them. I finally felt like I had some type of future beyond my shitty dad and the horrors of my past. I won’t let some kid who nearly pissed himself when I kissed him during seven minutes in heaven be the one to ruin everything for me.

“So, this is who you are then?” I ask, ignoring the warnings screaming in my head to shut up. “Helping traffickers and rapists and murderers—”

“I didn’t fucking know about your dad!” He snaps at me. “Or about how it all worked,” he sighs and tugs at his hair.

“But you do now!” I shout at him. “What happens now? You gonna help them sell me or are you just the delivery boy?”

He gives me a dirty look and his jaw tightens. For the first time I notice the bags under his eyes. I don’t even know how long it hasbeen since we got to this shithole apartment. How long since he stole me away from my safe haven and killed—

No. Stop. Focus. Don’t think about it all right now.

“If I don’t bring you, I’m fucking dead, Kate. Me, my dad, my uncle— I can’t fucking just say no!”

“I hope you burn in hell,” I scream but curse myself as my voice breaks.

All of them can go to hell. Everyone who has had a hand in this. Everyone that has let this happen to others. Doctors that should have helped us. Family that should have loved us. Friends that should have supported us. I hope they all burn in hell right alongside each other.

The ding of a phone makes me jump and Scott’s eyes pinch together as he reads the text message.

“Fuck,” he mutters and tosses the phone on the bed.

“Scott—” I say quietly, feeling pathetic for begging but I feel hopeless and out of options. “Please…”

He doesn’t even look at me. He goes into the bathroom and I barely have a chance to try and get to my feet or loosen the restraints when he comes back. I go to open my mouth as he approaches me with a hard look on his face. My eyes catch the glint of the knife in his hand and I shake my head furiously. “No, please—”

He tosses me onto my stomach and I scream as I feel the blade against my wrist. He mutters something about stop fighting but I can’t hear it over my own screams. How the hell does no one in this shitty apartment complex hear me?

“Your fucking guys got my uncle and I’m sure are hunting down my dad and you as we speak. When Cobra finds out? I’m fucking dead whether I bring you to drop off or not.”

He’s frantic as he rambles and cuts the ropes around my wrists. I wince but keep quiet as he starts on my ankles. Once I’m free he flips me on my back and points the knife at my neck.

“So, you are gonna get the fuck out of here and when you find those fucking Vipers you make sure they leave me the fuck out of all of this. You got it? I don’t need Vipers and fucking Cobras hunting me. I never wanted to fucking do any of this let alone deal with cleaning up this fucking mess.”

It can’t be that easy. He can’t possibly have beat the shit out of Bianca, killed Edgar, and been stalking me for weeks just to tell me to go. I don’t know if I should be angry or grateful that in his psychotic break he isn’t thinking clearly. I also don’t have long to contemplate if he’s serious because he could easily change his mind. I sit frozen and his arm waves wildly with the knife still in hand.

“Get the fuck out of here! Forget I fucking exist! And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll fuckin disappear too, Kate. They’ll never stop looking for you. Once they own you…” he shakes his head rapidly. “They don’t fucking let you forget it.”

I stand on my shaky legs and eye the door. He has a brief moment of what looks to be questioning his decision to let me go and I sprint for the exit before he thinks too hard on it.

My question of why no neighbors heard me screaming is answered when I realize we are at some abandoned motel that looks to have been vacant for years. The parking lot is mostly broken up gravel and only Scott’s car is parked in it.

I run down the rickety stairs, tripping and grunting as I roll across the rocks. I push myself to my feet and run with no sense of direction or plan. All I know is this may be my only chance of surviving at the moment. I follow the dirt path that seems to be the only road to this place but decide to go deeper into the woods in case Scott uses his car to chase after me, regretting his decision.

The branches tug at my ripped clothing and I’m only now realizing I’m missing a shoe but I don’t stop running. Scott mentioned bringing me to a drop off location and I can only hope it’s nowhere near by and that whoever this Cobra is may see me and grab me up anyways.

The sun is nearly set by the time I hear cars and can make out headlights through the trees in the distance. I finally slow my pace, my legs threatening to give out on me as I try to catch my breath. I don’t even know what my next step needs to be.

I approach the tree line and can see a truck stop and gas station not far down the main road. It doesn’t look too crowded but a quick glance at myself tells me I will absolutely draw unwanted attention. I shiver and finally decide I have no other choices right now.
