Page 129 of Wanted By a King

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Once Rocco and Gray are gone, Alana gets Sasha to take over helping Rhiannon, and then we head back to Gray’s place to change. I pretend I don’t notice Slasher who’s following about ten steps behind us, clearly taking his assignment seriously. So much so that he tries to go into the apartment with us, but that’s where I’ve reached my limit.

“No,” I snap, holding up a finger. “You can wait out here.” Without waiting for his answer, I slam the door behind us.

Alana saunters over to the sofa, sitting down and spreading her arms across the back like she owns the place. Hmm, I wonder if she’s ever been up here before and… nope. Definitely not going there.

“So why are we here?” she asks, cocking her head to the side as she places one leg over the other. “Don’t tell me you want to try some girl-on-girl action because I won’t believe you.”

I burst out laughing. “If I did, it would be with you.” I shoot her a wink. “But no, that’s not why we’re here. Rocco wants us to go to my family’s lawyer to get a check.”

While I fill her in on the plan, she jumps up from her seat and stalks over to the small wardrobe she helped me hang the clothes in.

“Ohh, do I get to pick what I want to wear?” she coos, clapping her hands as she bounces excitedly on her feet.

“Sure,” I laugh. “Go ahead, you can pick first.”

Watching Alana pick an outfit is like watching a kid in a candy store. She scrutinizes every item, and quickly makes a ‘maybe’ pile, as she calls it.

“We don’t have all day,” I remind her when I feel like she’s spent too much time.

She rolls her eyes. “You can’t rush perfection.” Then she picks a black, form-fitting, sleeveless dress. “That’s the winner,” she announces excitedly.

It’s much like the one I’ve already given her, except this one shows a lot more of her ample cleavage.

Unlike her, I don’t need a lot of time to pick, and I reach for a dark blue skirt and a white short sleeved button-up blouse.

“OMG let me know if these babies need a new home,” Alana gushes, holding up a pair of black stilettos, she shakes them. “I would take good care of them and even show them a picture of you at Christmas.”

Her antics make me laugh so hard I almost trip while pulling up the skirt. “Fine,” I hiccup. “If they fit, they’re yours.”

Rather than thanking me, she gapes. Her mouth opens and closes so many times I lose count.

“No,” she whispers. “I can’t take them, Zoe. I know how much they’re worth, and I can’t just take them.”

I also know their original price, and I couldn’t care less. Her eyes are fucking sparkling as she all but salivates over the open-toed shoes. That’s worth more than just having them sit around in my closet.

“How about another swap?” I suggest. “Those shorts for the shoes?” I point at the discarded shorts I was wearing earlier.

By now, I’d like to think I can read Alana pretty well. She loves my stuff, but her pride won’t allow her to just take anything I offer. Getting her to take the one dress was hard enough, so maybe I just shouldn’t bother.

“Or you can just borrow them,” I say, shrugging. “And then one of the other Cruz Cunts with bigger feet will want to try them on, which I’ll say yes to. Before you know it, they’ll be stretched, and—”

“Fine,” Alana laughs, holding her hands up in front of her. “I surrender for the good of the shoes.”

After we’re both dressed, I help Alana with her makeup so it’s a lot more subtle and neutral than the way she usually does hers. Then I straighten her long hair. Once I’m done, she looks like any of the girls I went to school with, and no one would be able to guess she’s a Cruz Cunt.

“I would totally do me right now,” she coos, cupping her tits while I finish my own makeup and hair.

“That’s called masturbation,” I dryly observe. “Something most people indulge in now and then.”

Tilting her head to the side, she ponders my words. “Even you? The princess?”

I lightly slap her arm. “I’ll never tell.”

Throwing her head back, she laughs loudly. “That gives an entirely different meaning to Princess and the Pea, Zo.”

We both laugh so hard tears gather in our eyes as we finally emerge from the room, almost running into an annoyed looking Slasher, who wordlessly follows us downstairs and outside.

