Page 131 of Wanted By a King

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“Yes,” Alana squeals. “We need steaks, sausages, burgers, and… well, we need everything.”

We get back into the car, making it to the bank in no time at all. Sadly, we’re not the only ones here. There’s a long line of people in front of us.

“Couldn’t he just use your card?” Alana whispers while we’re waiting in line.

I nod. “Yeah, but it’ll be more dramatic to hand him a bag of cash.”

We both burst into laughter at the thought of handing the moody asshole a big, fat bag of money.

After getting the money, we stop at the supermarket where we don’t even try to rein ourselves in. While Alana goes crazy in the food aisles, I go through the personal hygiene and cleaning aisles, dropping everything I can think of into the shopping cart.

Once we return to the club and news spreads about the BBQ, I feel like I know what it’s like to return from war. Okay, that might be a bit much, but that doesn’t stop me from soaking up the adoration and smiles.

Everyone around us is munching on one thing or another. Slasher, Munroe, Alana, and I did over three thousand dollars’ worth of shopping. There’s not a single cupboard in the club that isn’t brimming with snacks, drinks, or food.

We even bought everyday things like razors, shampoo, soap, and, on my insistence, new toothbrushes for all of us.

As I’m watching the twins working on getting the BBQ going, Gunner sits down across from me.

“Hey Sugar,” he beams.

I laugh. “Hey yourself.”

Leaning closer, he whispers conspiratorially. “I have an idea for your revenge.”

“Gunner,” I hiss before looking around to make sure no one else is close enough to hear us. “I’m not sure I want to do that anymore.”

I still feel so fucking bad for the naked pictures of Gray. I know it’s not that big of a deal to him, and I’m glad about that. But… fuck, I don’t know. It feels wrong to do it. Then again, not doing anything also feels wrong. That would mean I’ve accepted my fate, that I’m okay apparently being a pawn that can just be traded.

This is exactly why I keep not thinking too much about it. I can’t make heads and tails of any of it, let alone how I feel about it. On one hand, I crave my freedom so badly. On the other hand, I’m… I… no. Nope. I can’t admit to myself that I’m beginning to feel like maybe being here isn’t the worst thing in the world.

“Of course you do,” Gunner says, oblivious to my internal debate. “You have your phone now, right?”

My hand automatically reaches for my small handbag with my phone inside it. Since I didn’t need it at Graham’s office, I never even turned it on.

“Yeah,” I whisper.

Gunner points at the bag. “I’m going to send you something.”

When I make to pull the phone out, he places his hand on top of mine. Remembering Gray’s warning, I immediately and subtly shift my hand from under his.

“Before you look, I have something I want to say,” he rasps, licking his lips. “Has anyone told you how fucking sexy you looked at our last BBQ?”

I laugh nervously, not liking the hungry look in his eyes.

“You’re amazing, Sugar. And that night you were…” He closes his eyes and groans. “Fuck, the view of you spreading those thighs was enough to make me come in my pants.”


“You watched?” I hiss in outrage.

“Of course I watched, Sugar. I fucking jerked off while watching Gray fuck you so hard your tits were bouncing.”

I hide my face in my hands, willing the earth to swallow me whole. This can’t be fucking happening.

“But I know you’re not ready for me yet, so I’ll wait.” The finality in his words is enough to make me peek through my fingers.

“What do you mean?” I ask, still mortified at his crude words.
