Page 15 of Wanted By a King

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“I could do it. No one knows about this place, right? No one even knows you’re here. I could pull this trigger and paint this wall with your brains, the same way your dad died.”

I flinch at her words knowing I was right. She’s using the information I told her against me. She doesn’t care about the shitty things that have happened to me. Why would she?

“I don’t think anyone would even miss you. You think Rocco and Cara care about you?” She scoffs. “At the end of the day, they only care about themselves. They would get rid of you in an instant.” She laughs then, but there’s no humor to it. “Hell, you’ve kept this place from them. Why is that?” she asks, tilting her head, her blue gaze wild with her emotions. “If your MC is your family, why wouldn’t you tell them about this place?”

“If you want to kill me, Princess, stop stalling. Just pull the fucking trigger.” I rasp as my own emotions hit me. Emotions of my past. Of the cruel things I’ve done to Zoe. To others, all in the name of the MC. “Do us both a favor and put me out of my fucking misery already!”

My roar is loud in the small space, but Zoe doesn’t even flinch.

“No.” She shakes her head, clicking the safety back on and dropping the barrel from my temple. “That would be too easy. I can see that there is a human inside you. I can see things really do affect you even though you try to hide it from the world. Killing you would be too fucking easy.” Again, she shakes her head, stepping down off the seat and placing my gun on the table. “I think I quite like the idea of you living through your suffering.”

Part of me wishes she would end my existence. If there’s anyone who deserves that power, it’s her. But, part of me will happily suffer through life facing my demons if it means I can see that fire in her eyes again.

Zoe moves to her bag, taking out a new top and covering up her perky tits that I never got the chance to lick, before she snatches up her panties and slips them back on.

“What happened to your back?” she asks, taking a seat across the table from me and I frown. “You have marks across the back of your shoulders. They look recent. What happened?”

It takes me a moment, but then I realize she’s talking about the healing wounds from the punishment Mama C dished out the night Zoe ran off.

“Mama C delivered my punishment for what I did to you at the strip club.”

Her brows shoot high. “She did that to you?”

I nod. “She doesn’t mess around. I deserved it.”

Her face turns red in anger and her hands ball into fists on the tabletop. “Yes, you do deserve it, but not byherhand. Bymyfucking hand! How dare she take that away from me!”

Slowly, I nod. She’s going to be carrying this anger for a while. “She didn’t take it from you, Princess. It’s a part of her process, making sure she looks after her girls. If you want to be the one to punish me, then I give you free rein. Do your worst.”

She stares at me for a few long moments and gives me a nod.

“Oh, I will. My wrath has only just begun.”



I don’t mind admitting to myself that I looked up to Mama C. Who wouldn’t? She’s poised, classy in her own way, and her eyes reveal a readiness to strike. But she’s also cold, and I’m not sure anything but Rocco or her precious girls can thaw the ice she’s keeping around herself like a second skin.

She only helps those who help themselves, I know that much. But apparently, she punishes those she feels have wronged her.Her… what a fucking laughable thought. What about me, the actual wronged one? Why would she take this away from me?

“She had no right,” I hiss, angry beyond belief by this revelation. “And you had no fucking right to let her.”

Grayson lifts a brow, as though he’s confused by my statement, but I shake my head at him. I don’t want to hear whatever excuse or reason he’s concocting. It’s not enough. He shouldn’t have let her punish him.

“It’s not like that, Princess.”

Ignoring him, I walk into the small bedroom and lie down on the bed. Closing my eyes, I finally do the thing I’ve tried my best to avoid. I think. I remember.

My life has been turned upside down in a matter of weeks, and in this time, I’ve fought to keep my sanity, and my composure.

I can’t keep running from my memories or my reality. I need to understand it—come to terms with it, somehow, instead of constantly being five steps behind. That’s what allows me to get surprised, and I can’t afford that. Not anymore.

“Time to face the music,” I murmur to myself.

Then I let my mind take me to the places I’ve done a fine job of avoiding. I think back on the day I woke up naked and alone in the back garden near the pool house back home. The video Grayson sent me, of me on my knees, sucking him off.

As I look at his face in my mind’s eye, there’s something I didn’t notice on the actual day. When I accused him of sending the video, he looked shocked. It was only for the briefest moment, but as I really focus on it, there’s no denying it.
