Page 46 of Wanted By a King

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I allow the steady rhythm to distract me. Distract me from the altercation with Adam, the fact I stood up for Grayson, and… and… fuck. The prospect badge with the Reapers logo on it in Adam’s wallet.


Ontheridebackto the clubhouse, my mind drifts to my mom, and some advice she gave me when I was younger, having some struggles.

“Feeling sorry for yourself is a waste of time. You’re beautiful, talented, and fortunate. You don’t know how many people would trade places with you in a heartbeat. So take the rest of the day. Scream at the world if you must. Don’t hold back your tears, fear, or anger. Let it all out so it doesn’t fester. Tomorrow, you pick yourself back up and fight twice as hard.”

I don’t know why it’s only now that her words come back to me, but I do know I’m going to honor them.

I’ll take today to feel sorry for myself, and tomorrow… well, tomorrow I’ll ask Grayson what it means that Adam has a prospect badge with the Reapers logo on it.

Though I’ve never had an encounter with the notorious Reapers, I’ve seen their logo graffiti painted on buildings before. Everyone has, and it’s the same with the Cruz Kings’ skull with a crown.

For the second time in just as many days, I’m surprised to find myself back at my house instead of the clubhouse. This time, we aren’t alone. Mama C, Alana, Rocco, Slayer, Slasher, and Gunner are waiting for us.

Each of them are wearing matching, grim smiles, and stand with their arms crossed over their chests.

“Be quick,” Rocco barks as soon as Grayson has killed the roaring engine on his bike.

“I’ll go with Zoe,” Mama is quick to say.

Rocco nods sharply, then he places a hand on my shoulder and halts me. “Don’t do anything stupid, Zoe,” he warns. “Do as Cara says. If I catch wind that you didn’t follow her orders to the letter, you’ll have to answer to me.”

Fear runs down my spine and makes my forehead clammy. Fuck, the Cruz Kings Prez is one scary motherfucker.

“W-what?” I stammer. “I don’t even know what’s going on.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Slasher growls. “You haven’t told her shit, have you?”

“Watch it,” Grayson spits. “There wasn’t time.”

Rocco nods again and gestures toward the front door. “We’ve done a sweep, the women are fine to go inside.”

“I’m not leaving her side,” Grayson growls.

He takes my hand, and pulls me along with him and upstairs to my bedroom. Mama and Alana follow us all the way to my room where they wordlessly begin pulling clothes off the shelves and hangers in my walk-in wardrobe.

“What’s going on?” I cry. When I notice Mama almost tearing one of my dresses, I snarl, “Watch it.”

This might not be the moment to focus on material goods, but until someone tells me why the fuck we’re all here, that’s all I can do, otherwise I might fall apart, and let fear take over.

“You need to tell her, Gray,” Mama urges. “And now, before it’s too late.”

“Fuck!” he growls. “Fine. But not here.”

As I look at him, I realize he’s barely holding himself together. If he needs privacy to talk to me, there are plenty of rooms we can go into. Yet, there’s only one that comes to mind.

“We’ll go to Leslie’s room,” I sigh before I can second-guess the decision.

“No, Princess. You said—”

“I know what I said,” I snap. “Let’s go.”

As soon as we’re in my sister’s room, I sit down on her bed and pull one of her unicorns into my lap.

“What do you need to tell me?” I ask, almost wishing I’d kept quiet.
