Page 69 of Wanted By a King

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“Is that so?” she asks.

For the first time, she looks at me with a sense of begrudging respect. That’s not enough, though. I don’t want begrudging or almost, I’m not stopping until I either can’t move, or it’s one hundred percent respect I’m receiving.

Knowing that I need to finish this as fast as possible, I dig my nails into the exposed flesh on her stomach. Rose howls in pain, but I still don’t let go. Not even when she curls her hand into a fist and slams it against my cheek.


With renewed strength, I buck beneath her before wrapping my legs around her waist. I use the leverage to spin us around, just as my self-defense teacher taught us at school. As soon as Rose is back underneath me, I kneel on one leg, while moving the opposite foot under her.

Ignoring her swinging arms, and the pain in my scalp as she once again grabs my hair, I punch her once in the stomach. There’s no denying the satisfaction as her air is forced out of her with an ‘oomph’.

“Had enough?” I seethe.

When she takes too long to answer, I wiggle my toes under her, and she’s quick to let go of my hair and arch her back to get away from the pressure.

“Bingo,” I murmur confidently.

Then I force her to her front, quickly capturing one of her arms, pulling it closer to me in an awkward position.

“What about now?” I ask saccharinely. “Are you done? Do you agree to leave Grayson alone?”

Rose lets out a cry of anguish, and when she tries to kick me, I move so I can sit down on her legs.


“Say it!” I shout. “Fucking ask me to let go, and tell me you and your Cunts will never touch Grayson again.He’s mine.”

Rose inhales sharply. “I’m sorry, Zoe.”

I shake my head. “Not good enough.”

“We won’t touch Grayson again,” she cries. “Please let go.”

I suppose that’s close enough, so I release her arm and stand up. As she rolls to her back, I reach my hand out to her.

“Are we good?” I ask as she takes my outstretched hand.

“We’re good,” she mumbles.

I nod and help her back to her feet.

“Princess!” Grayson rushes to my side, but I hold my hand up to stop him.

“Don’t start with me,” I hiss. Wrapping my arm around Rose’s shoulders, I help her sit down in one of the chairs. “She couldn’t have tried to undermine me without your participation, so you should think about that.”

Rhiannon comes up to us, her eyes downcast as she speaks. “I’m sorry, Zo. It was my fault.”

Feeling benevolent and high on my win, I look between all the Cruz Cunts. “We don’t have to be enemies,” I say. “But I won’t tolerate being disrespected when I’ve done nothing to earn it. Is that understood?”

As one, they all agree.

This is why I had to go after the ringleader and not the pawn. Once the leader is taken out, the rest will follow. But I meant what I said, I don’t want to be their enemy. I want us to be united.

Why do women think other women are a threat to what they have? If anything, it’s the Kings that are the problem. They’re egging us on, and benefitting from in-house fighting.


