Page 79 of Wanted By a King

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“On top of that, they’re saving us more money by taking on more expenses as well. And all it’s going to cost us is fewer drinks and more organization in our meals?”

“That about sums it up,” I answer.

“So what the fuck is there to argue about?” he says, spreading his arms out wide. “This deal benefits us, and might even stop us from going hungry.”

I shoot him a grateful smile, happy that someone sees the validity of the suggestion we’ve worked so hard on.

“Let’s put it to a vote,” Rocco says. “Everyone in favor, say aye.”


Rollingoutofbedand away from the heat between Zoe’s thighs is fucking hard to do, but there’s work to do, and we have a shipment to collect and get up to San Francisco and hopefully get fucking paid.

It’s only four in the morning, but it’s the best time for us to avoid the authorities and prying eyes down at the harbor where the shipments come in on small boats that look the same as all the other ones that dock here in Santa Cruz to enjoy the sunny weather.

The cartel set it up this way to get their shipments as close to San Francisco as possible with the last leg by road to be delivered to the mafia. There’s too much heat at the shipping yards near Oakland, so the cartel doesn’t even bother with San Francisco’s main port.

Instead, they use MCs like us to do the go-between, since we know the area well, have some cops on our payroll, and have the arsenal to protect the shipment.

Well, usually we do, but our ammunition is dwindling, and if we can’t restock soon, not only will we be vulnerable to the Reapers, but the cartel won’t be too fucking pleased with us. Especially if something happens to their shipment.

As I shuck on my cut, I watch my princess sleep, a smile tugging at my lips for the way she has stepped up over the last few days. She never asked to be thrown headfirst into my world. After the loss she has suffered, she shouldn’t have to deal with this shit. Yet here she is, stepping up to help the club that has pretty much taken everything from her.

I couldn’t be prouder.

Pressing my lips gently to her forehead, she moans in her sleep and shifts a little, but doesn’t rouse.

Fuck this would be the perfect time to take advantage of her. Spread those creamy legs and dive right fucking in.

My dick starts rousing at the thought, but I ignore the horny fucker and leave my princess to sleep.

I find Rocco, Slasher, Slayer, Gunner, Munroe, and Doug waiting for me outside, all looking fucking half asleep as they check their weapons.

“Was beginning to wonder if you’d forgotten.” Rocco smirks and I roll my fucking eyes at him.

“Un-fucking-likely.” I grumble, my thoughts still with the warm body in my bed. “You heard anything back from Hunt?” I ask Rocco, accepting a cigarette off him before he flicks his lighter and I lean in with it between my lips, drawing back as it lights.

“Aside from the two words he sent in reply to me telling him no deal?” Rocco asks, and I nod, watching as he pockets his lighter. “Nah, Rusty has gone quiet again.”

“You think we’ll come across them today?” Munroe asks, as he sets a shotgun just inside the door of the stolen van we’ll be using to move the shipment in.

“I wanna say no, big man,” Rocco states, turning from me and slapping Munroe on the shoulder as he walks past. “But honestly, I’d be surprised if we don’t.”

I fucking hate this.

I know we chose this life. Every fucking second of every fucking day we are in some level of danger. But now, for some reason, I feel like I have more to lose. I hate the thought of not getting back here to Zoe. Or of something happening while I’m gone.

It’s for that reason that half the men are staying behind. We don’t normally keep that many onsite when we leave for business, but I don’t trust the Reapers not to fucking raid us while we are weakened, so we are hitting the road with half today. It doesn’t escape me that the Reapers are most likely manipulating it, so we split the group, making each more vulnerable. But what else can we do?

We are on the road a few minutes later, Rocco and I up front, the van behind us with Munroe and Doug, and Gunner and the twins bringing up the rear.

We have another couple of men already stationed at the harbor, and another few already heading up to San Gregorio to see if they can spot any Reapers. Once we get to Half Moon Bay, we are in the clear since that is where the mafia territory starts, and those fuckers don’t mess around with rogue biker clubs.

Technically, the road up to San Francisco is Kings territory, but the Reapers show no respect for those boundaries, proven by the fact that they keep coming into Santa Cruz and terrorizing our community.

Picking up the shipment from the harbor goes off without a hitch, and in no time, we are leaving the quiet sleeping streets of Santa Cruz to make the trip up the coastal highway toward mafia territory.

Our lookouts report no concerns, so we make no stops, making good time on the quiet road, with trucks being the only other vehicles on the road, which are few and far between.
