Page 98 of Wanted By a King

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“Just let me talk. After I’ve said what I need to say, you can run that bratty mouth all you want. Okay?”

She eyes me warily, but nods, and I drop my finger away to tuck some strands of her blonde locks behind her ear.

Shit. Now I just have to figure out where to start.

My mind flicks back to the night at Dirty Diamonds, when I turned into a beast and pressed the barrel of my gun to Zoe’s beautiful head and forced her to take my dick into her mouth while everyone watched.

In my mind’s eye, I can still see her. How terrified she looked, her blue eyes wide as if she was waiting for me to snap and pull the trigger.

Constant thoughts of that night have utterly disturbed me ever since. It was like an out-of-body experience, yet the memories that live inside my head on repeat are like a movie trailer, and the one thing I continue to think is how beautiful she looked on her knees, tears smearing her mascara, drool hanging from her chin.

It’s twisted I know, and even though I saw beauty in her that night, there definitely wasn’t any in me or my thoughts. I was just a beast with crazed passion.

“The night at Dirty Diamonds,” I start, watching how the color drains from her face. “I didn’t understand the feelings I was having. I’d never cared for someone so much that it would send me crazy with the need to possess.” Slowly, I run my hands up her thighs, not taking my eyes off her wary face for a moment. “I didn’t even understand that what I was feeling was because I cared for you.”

Shifting, I press forward and loom over her, making her neck strain back so her blue gaze doesn’t break with mine.

She looks more frazzled these days. The Zoe that wore her hair immaculately slick without a strand out of place is gone, for now anyway. Now, I see the real her. The Zoe Miller that isn’t hiding behind caked on makeup or designer clothes, or perfectly sculpted hair. She’s not trying to impress anyone. She’s not asserting her privilege or turning her nose up. She’s being real.

And she’s never been more appealing to me than at this moment.

“I know that doesn’t make sense. How could I do that to you if I cared, right?”

At my question, she gives me a slow nod.

“Like I said, at the time I didn’t understand what I was feeling. What was happening. I’ve never had these sorts of feelings before. Never felt like I can’t breathe properly because I’m not close to someone. But I feel that with you, Zoe. I feel like I’m suffocating when I’m not with you.”

Her lips part, and the faintest little gasp falls from her lips before I run my thumb over their plumpness.

“I guess to you, it’s smothering. But to me it’s like walking through a barren desert of ice with nothing but an endless blizzard when I’m not near you. When I can’t see you and know you’re safe.” I drop my hand down to hers and take it, weaving our fingers together. “These are feelings I’ve never had, and honestly, at first, I tried to fight it, because they made me feel weak. But when I realized I couldn’t. When I realized that the only way I will ever get through this fucked up life is if you are right there by my side, and on my cock frequently,” I smirk, loving the way her own tugs at the corners of her mouth, “I knew I’d never be able to let you go.”

“But—” She tries to speak, but when I shoot her a warning glare, she snaps her mouth shut.

“Yes, we traded you for your dad with the hopes to get your money, but that isn’t the reason I can’t let you go. It may be Rocco’s reason, but it isn’t mine.”

Zoe swallows a deep gulp, and I wonder if my words are finally getting through to her.

“And I know you’re trying to punish me, Princess. Trying to push me away so that I’ll get angry and let you go, but you need to understand. You can throw crap at me all you like. You can try to alienate me with your harsh words, try to anger me into sending you away, but it’s never going to happen.”

“Grayson, I—”

“God dammit woman, will you let me finish?”

Slowly, she grins, sinking back into the cushions and gives me a nod as she crosses her arms over her chest.

“You keep talking of leaving. Of going to Harvard. And I keep telling you it’s not going to happen. But for some reason, it doesn’t seem to be sinking in, so let me make this very fucking clear once and for all.”

At my words, her face contorts to a glare, and she sits forward like she is gearing up for a fight.

“I don’t care if you try to sabotage this. You are mine, Zoe. You need to understand what that means.”

Zoe flops back on the couch, dramatically flinging her arms out wide. “What does it mean? Tell me. I’m all ears.”

Shuffling closer between her legs, I pry them wider with my hands before gripping her upper thighs.

“It means that I will look after you. I will make sure you eat. Make sure you sleep. Make sure you are well fucked.” I give her thighs a squeeze and she bites back a smile. “I will protect you with my life. My club brothers will protect you too. Me, they, we are your family now. This is your life now.”

She frowns. “Yes, I get that, but until when? Like how long must I stay here? Until my dad’s debt is paid? Because it doesn’t change the fact that I have to leave for Harvard soon.”
