Page 15 of Claimed By a King

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Darling? What the fuck is going on here?

“And I’ve missed you, Brian,” she says seductively. “But you know business comes first.”

I swear I’m about to throw up when my dad beckons her forward with his finger, and she swings her hips exaggeratedly as she walks to him. Once she reaches him, they kiss like they’re sucking the oxygen from each other’s lungs.

The best part about their shocking display of… whatever the hell to call it, is that I’m forgetting about my nudity. My mind is working overtime as I try to make sense of the scene playing out in front of me.

Mom hasn’t been dead long enough for dad to act like this, has she? I mean, sure, there’s no exact rule on how long one should grieve. And I guess he can get his dick wet if he wants to. But that isn’t what this is. The looks he gives Irina aren’t those of lust. It’s more akin to him actually feeling something for her.

“That’s enough,” the Reapers’ Prez calls out in a booming voice. “Irina, why the fuck is Zoe naked?”

The woman laughs and rolls her eyes. “Because I didn’t feel like waiting for her to get dressed,” she quips.

“Careful,” the Prez warns. “Remember the orders of our new VP.”

Irina immediately stops laughing. “Sorry, Prez. I forgot myself.”

Before I can stop myself, I scoff out loud at her acting, which is all it is. The truth is right there, in her eyes, for all to see. She isn’t sorry at fucking all, and she definitely doesn’t care about not following orders.

“Got something to say?” the Prez asks, turning his gaze on me.

It’s hard not to falter under his penetrating stare, but I manage to keep my spine straight. “I have plenty to say,” I shoot back, faking bravery I don’t feel. When he waves his hand in a ‘go on’ motion, I do. “What the fuck is the matter with you?” I hiss, looking straight at my dad.

If I thought speaking directly to him was going to… I don’t know, shake him out of whatever spell he’s under, I was dead fucking wrong.

“Don’t talk to me like that,” he barks. “Actually, don’t talk to me at all.”

I recoil as his words hit me like a fist. “W-what? You don’t mean that.”

Shaking his head, he pulls Irina onto his lap. He wraps his arm around her middle as he begins to kiss her neck. The bitch gyrates her hips, and it’s all too clear what she’s doing.

Anger like I’ve never felt before roars to life inside me, demanding I let it go. And I do. Without thinking about the consequences, I lunge at Irina.

She turns her head just as my fist connects with her nose, and I laugh like a lunatic as blood spurts from her nostrils.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” she screeches like a banshee.

“Your worst fucking nightmare,” I hiss as I tangle my fingers into her long, red curls and pull until she hisses in pain.

“Zoe!” My dad’s booming voice isn’t enough to break my focus. “Get the fuck off her.”

Those words do the trick. When he’s looking at her and not me, it shatters something inside me. I don’t even feel the slap as Irina’s hand connects with my cheek, or the guy tackling me to the ground from behind.

All I can do is stare at my dad, who doesn’t even spare a look in my direction.

“Dad,” I croak, pathetically. “Why won’t you look at me?”

Indescribable pain makes me choke on my breath as my heart breaks into a billion jagged pieces.

“Brian!” the Prez says, and despite not raising his voice, he easily gains the attention of everyone. “She’s your daughter and you’ll fucking treat her as such.”

It’s only when I try to shake my head that I realize it’s being pushed against the dirty floor. I taste blood in my mouth, and now that I’m aware of my surroundings, the hand I slammed into Irina’s nose throbs painfully.

When the Prez gets up and walks toward me, I pick up my efforts to get free. I try to kick the guy holding me down, but since he’s almost on top of me, I can’t reach him and he just laughs at my weak attempts.

“Get up!” he orders when he’s in front of me.

I try again, but I can’t.
