Page 186 of Claimed By a King

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“Eddie Gunn,” I snarl, eager to get this over with so everyone here can start to move on, “With your membership now stripped, as one, we will send you to hell.”

Reaching into my boot, I pull my knife free, snapping it open and holding it up.

“Cunts and Kings, take your pound of flesh.”

After Sully and Stretch sit Gunner back on the chair, Munroe is the first to take my knife, approaching Gunner and seething down at him from his tall height. “Fuck you,” he hisses in Gunner’s face before plunging the blade deep into his abdomen.

Gunner chokes out as Munroe twists the blade before pulling it free, holding it up for the next Cunt or King, before spitting in Gunner’s face.

Rose is next, pushing through Titch and Tio to get to the front of the line, eager to have her turn.

“You sick son of a bitch,” she slashes the knife across his face, opening the skin from his temple, over the tip of his nose and corner of his lip before reaching his jaw. “I hope there is a hell for those in hell. A place worse than anyone can ever imagine, and I hope you get subjected to all the most heinous acts imaginable.” She stabs the knife into his abdomen, a few inches from the gash Munroe made.

Following Munroe and Slasher’s lead, she spits in his face, ignoring his gasps of pain before spinning and placing the knife in Tio’s hand.

One by one, Cunts and Kings step forward to snarl their thoughts to Gunner, stabbing him as Stretch and Sully keep him upright on the chair, who get their turn too, when Doug and Tio trade places with them.

Slasher helps Alana move forward, her gunshot injury still affecting her ability to walk properly, and Slasher takes the knife from Cilla, pressing it into Alana’s palm.

“This is for having a part in the rape of Sasha and her murder.” Alana bares her teeth, looking more violent than I’ve ever seen her, and then she slams the blade right into Gunner’s dick, pinning it to the chair under him.

On instinct I cover my fucking junk, while most of my club brothers do the same, some strangled coughs sounding around the room. Gunner’s cry is high pitched, terror washing over his expression at the realization of what has just been done.

“And this is for Izzy,” Alana hisses, being greedy with the knife since we are only meant to stab once, but who the fuck am I to deny our dead Cunts their revenge as well?

She jerks the knife free, plunging it into his gut, and this time Gunner makes no noise as he passes out.

“Get the smelling salts,” I bark, and Tex appears with them, running them under Gunner’s nose until he starts rousing.

“You doing okay, Princess?” I ask, not taking my eyes off Gunner as he gets pulled from unconsciousness and, for a moment, fear flits across his expression.

Yeah, fucker, you’re still in living hell.

“I’m good,” Zoe responds with a strong tone before her fingers brush with mine and I link our hands together.

“He’s back,” Tex sing-songs and some of the men chuckle, while Alana moves back in.

“You pussy. Can’t even take torture like a man.” She stabs him again. “That one’s for me.” Then she spits in his face and Rose comes forward to help Alana into a nearby chair while Slasher stares at the knife in his hand.

Then he pulls another one free.

“As twins, we always used to do everything together.” Slasher slowly peers up, his dark hair hanging in a long mess as he makes eye contact with Gunner. “We used to eat together, sleep in the same room, fuck in the same room, share the same women.” His hands wrap around the hilt of each knife as he leans in. “And just because he’s dead, doesn’t mean he’s not here right fucking now, to take his pound of flesh, too.”

Slasher plunges both knives into each side of Gunner’s ribs at the same time, probably puncturing his lungs if Gunner’s short, rapid gasps are anything to go by.

Knowing there’s not much time before he bleeds out, I lift Zoe’s hand in mine, bringing it to my lips to press a kiss there, and her gaze shifts to mine.

“Still have that knife from before?” I ask, and she nods, pulling it from the back pocket of her jeans and flicking it open. “Will you do the kill shot with me?”

Her brows shoot high.

“Is that allowed?” she whispers, and I smirk.

“I make the rules, and I want you by my side through everything.”

Slowly, her plump lips tip up and she nods, so I hold out my hand to Slasher.

“Knife,” I bark, and the hilt meets my open palm as I turn back to face everyone.
