Page 188 of Claimed By a King

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Gray’s asleep. You’ll know what I mean when I say he’s in stage three of five when it comes to snoring.

It’s good, though. Because there’s something about the quietness—minus the snoring—that makes it easier to think.

The time that’s passed since we won the war against the Reapers has gone by in a blur of activity and emotions.

After Gunner took his last breath, it felt like an invisible order swept through the room. All the Kings jumped into solving mode, hauling Gunner’s ass out of there. Slasher and Munroe disappeared for a few hours, and when they returned, it was without the body. So it’s safe to assume they disposed of it.

By the way, future me, don’t ask questions about that. We don’t need to know!!

Together with the Cunts, I cleaned the main room until my fingers ached and bleach covered every inch of the room. We opened every fucking window and door, burned incense, and sprayed perfume.

But despite the Kings’ insistence that they couldn’t smell the sickly sweet, vomit inducing stench from Gunner’s burned flesh anymore, we could. We, as in me and the Cunts. I still don’t believe the Kings couldn’t smell it because it was everywhere.

Seriously, I had to put a thin sheen of toothpaste on my upper lip so as to not smell it.

So, we once again went to Dirty Diamonds, where we stayed for five days. During that time, Gray revealed they’d put Izzy on ice so we could give her a proper sendoff.

I’ll admit, I still don’t know why she was iced since they just disposed of her body the usual way. But whatever. The goodbye ceremony was nice—as nice as saying goodbye to a friend can be.

On the fifth day, Gray had enough. He wanted to go home, and I think everyone agreed. Dirty Diamonds is like a prime destination for partying, but it’s not a—our—home.

Who knew the Kings and Cunts could get their fill of booze, drugs, and pussy/dick? I didn’t. Not until we left.

Anyway, back at the clubhouse, the Cunts all entered nesting mode. At least that’s what I dubbed it. If I’m being completely honest, I did as well.

With so much time spent being scared and looking over our shoulder, letting go was hard. But it became easier with new projects to focus on.

Even though the war was over, the aftermath had only just started. There was only so much Tido could do to shield the Kings from the law. So Slasher and Gray reached out to the detectives, who helped us as much as they were able to.

The biggest thing for me was one I hadn’t seen coming. Tania was the one who reminded me I’d been neglecting to pick up my monthly allowance check, and, well, I wasn’t at Harvard, which meant no tuition money was deducted from my trust.

She and Steven talked to my family’s lawyer and somehow convinced him I’d been a key witness and had needed to lay low, which is why I’d been out of touch. It was sweet, even if I suspect it was wholly unnecessary. In the end, I left with a check to cover all the months I hadn’t been able to pick one up.

My first thought was to funnel the money into the club, but Gray wouldn’t hear of it. So instead, I spent a good amount on Christmas presents for the community. Specifically, large donations to some businesses the Reapers had targeted, and, of course, the kids’ burn unit. The same one we visited on the Fourth of July.

After experiencing my first Kings’ Christmas, I can now officially say I’ve seen it all. While I expected another blowout, it was oddly domestic.

I’m pretty sure it was the Cunts’ doing. Because after I’d told them how my family celebrated Christmas, my amazing girls took it upon themselves to recreate the magic. And when I came downstairs on Christmas morning, they were waiting.

Each of them wore a red dress and black pumps. They’d all braided their hair, some into one big one, others into two smaller ones. Except for Rose, who proudly displayed her short bob, refusing to hide behind a wig. The red Christmas hat was the icing on the cake, and I burst into tears when they showed me the presents under the tree.

The Cunts later told me they’d tried to convince the Kings to dress up in suits, which they’d all promptly refused. However, they did wear the Christmas hats the Cunts imposed as part of the day’s dress code. Doug even wore a fake Santa beard and kept asking the Cunts to sit on his lap.

We had dinner delivered from one of the local restaurants, a full-on Christmas meal with all the trimmings. For dessert, the Cunts baked cookies.

Pro tip: never, ever, ever, ever eat any cookies Rose makes. Seriously, I still can’t believe I didn’t chip a tooth. And honestly, how can anyone think a pinch of salt means a handful? I think I love her more for messing it up, though.

I’m sure there are more things I can’t remember right now. But all there really is to say is that I’m happy. I’m so fucking happy I could burst. I’ve found my place in the world. I no longer dream of Ivy League halls or materialistic shit.

I’ve found my purpose, my place, and most importantly; my tribe.

Goodnight future me.

Love, Zoe

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Gray rasps, pulling me to his side as we stand outside the morgue. “No one will blame you if you want to—”

“I’m sure,” I sigh, cutting him off. “This is the end for him and me. He chose his path just like I’m choosing mine. And I don’t want him to have a place in my future.”
