Page 207 of Claimed By a King

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King-Jack-High is a dive bar we own in town. Zoe wanted to own a business, and she needed a way of giving her Cunts a job so the ones that didn’t want to do anything on their fans’ page could earn a legit living. She came up with the name, a poker term, and with the help of her Cunts, they decked it out with a poker theme. Most of her newest Sweet Butts have been recruited from the bar, and it’s become a popular location for those who don’t want anything fancy when they want to have a drink.

Jerking Zoe’s head, I lean closer and sneer in her face. “I’ll burn that fucking place to the ground before I let you leave me.”

My words are quiet. I doubt anyone else but her can hear them and as I stare at her demanding her compliance, her bravado falters.

“Why won’t you just ask?” she whispers. “You already know what my answer is, Gray. All I want is for you to ask for once, instead of taking.”


She’s the only human walking this earth that can make my fucking cold heart defrost.

Releasing her hair, I cup her face between my large hands, staring into her blue pleading eyes.

“Be mine? In every fucking way, Princess. Please?”

And just like that, the hardness in her eyes falls away, and the blue pools dance from one of my eyes to the other, before gazing at my lips. Then she looks back to my eyes.

“Is there room for negotiation?” she asks, snapping me out of the trance she had me in. “I still think it would be better if you change your name to mine. Grayson Miller has a nice ring to it.”

Her face contorts to a shit-eating grin, and I grit my teeth as my hold on her face becomes rough.

“There is only one way this goes, Princess. Zoe Black. Mrs. Zoe Black. Mrs. Black. Fucking say the word I want to hear and let’s finally do this.”

“You’re such a romantic.” She giggles, her words loud enough that everyone hears, pissing me off even more.

“Say the fucking word,” I snap, pressing my nose to hers.

“Fine.” She shoves me back. “Yes, I’ll marry your stubborn ass.”

Everyone cheers at her words, and the next thing I know, Alana is jumping around like she has fucking ants in her pants, scurrying up to hug Zoe, while Slasher nudges me with his shoulder and Tex comes to stand before us.

Any fight Zoe had about me forcing this moment has completely vanished, and I realize I’m actually the one that was manipulated into giving in.

I’ll punish her for that later.




I hardly hear what Tex says as he goes through the process of marrying us. I repeat basic vows, and watch Zoe’s lips move as she recites hers, before we are announced as husband and wife and my lips are claiming hers in a bruising kiss.

We celebrate in true Kings style. Loud music. Lots of drinking. And a fucking brilliant orgy that Zoe insists we are the centerpiece for.

“In the old days,” Zoe unzips the corset top of her black dress, letting it fall off her, the full skirt bunching around her calves, “didn’t a king have an audience when he fucked his wife for the first time so there was no doubt the marriage was consummated?”

My brows shoot up. “That’s what’s happening here?” I ask. “Because I’m pretty sure most people have seen me balls deep inside you before.”

She laughs, stepping out of the fabric of her dress, pointing at me. “Get naked, my king. Your princess is waiting.”

I don’t fucking hesitate.

My clothes are off, and I hoist her up, impaling my princess on my cock in a matter of seconds, before lowering her to the closest table in our new clubhouse.

My lips are on hers and her hands are in my hair, and while I can hear the sounds of everyone fucking around us, the loudest sound is Zoe’s moans that fall into my mouth as we consummate our marriage.

Finally, Zoe is irrevocably mine.
