Page 99 of Claimed By a King

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It’s not that I don’t believe Gray, I’d be a fool not to. But there’s no punishment that’s big enough for what he’s done. He’s broken and tainted me in ways I don’t know how to come back from.

Anger stirs low in my stomach, demanding I fight back, that I don’t just give in like I did back when I was with the Reapers.

“Kiss me,” I demand.

Gray looks like I’ve slapped him. “W-what?”

“You heard me,” I growl. “Fucking kiss me, Gray. Reclaim me.”

When he doesn’t make a move, I do. I fuse my lips to his and eagerly lick at the seams of his lips.

Kissing Gray used to be an almost unholy experience. Something I could feel from the top of my head to the tip ofmy toes. But right now, all I feel is a big fat nothing. No fear, no excitement. No happiness, no sadness. Just pure nothing.

For some reason the nothingness feels worse than fear. Maybe it’s because fear is something you can overcome. But how the fuck do you fight something that isn’t there?

“No,” I cry, pushing against his chest. “No. No. Fucking no.”

Without giving him a chance to say anything, I turn on my heel and sprint out of the room and toward the bar, where I hope to find…

“Cara!” I almost shout as I see her leaning against the bar.

“Zoe?” she sounds puzzled. “I thought you were with—”

“You have to help me,” I grind out through clenched teeth. “I need your help.”

She looks behind me, and I have no doubt Gray’s there.

“What do you need?” she asks on a weary sigh.

It’s a good question, and I’m not quite sure of what the answer is. I just know she can help me feel less defenseless and ruined.

“Teach me to fight.” I surprise myself with the words, but now as I say them, they feel oh so fucking right. “Teach me how to defend myself.”


My dick is hard as fucking stone as I watch Cara teach Zoe knife skills. As much as I try to will the fucking thing to go down, it remains stiff in my jeans, craving Zoe as much as my fucking heart does.

Leaning against the wall in the back room which is usually filled with cheap ass poker tables, I dangle my hands in front of the bulge so Zoe doesn’t see. I don’t want to scare her, or make her feel pressured, even though all I want to do is storm to the center of the room and fist her hair as I claim her lips.

She’s not ready for that.


Focusing my attention away from how amazing my princess looks I eye the renovations we did to this room. Knocking down the wall to make it bigger was something we should have done ages ago. Because instead of being a cluttered shitty room, it’s now half-gym, half-chill. And it easily fits all of us… or most of us.

“A good way to make them suffer is slicing their skin off in pieces.” Cara demonstrates on the dead pig hanging from the meat hook in the ceiling, something she had installed the first year the MC was in business. “Much like peeling an apple.”

“For fuck’s sake, Cara. Zoe asked you to teach her how to fight and defend herself. What the fuck does peeling skinoff have to do with that?” I snap, and Cara curls her lip in a sneer, jabbing her knife in my direction.

“I told you to stay outside if you couldn’t handle this, Gray.”

I throw up my hands, forgetting about my hard dick for a moment. “I can fucking handle this, Cara. You didn’t answer my question.”

I don’t miss the way Zoe bites back a smirk at Cara’s huff like I’m the most annoying thing in the fucking world.

“I’ve taught her some fighting and self-defense techniques, which she will need to practice daily, and preferably with a partner, and now I’m showing her how to make anyone who tries to treat her the wrong way fucking regret it. They’ll never expect her to torture them. Besides. It’s therapeutic as fuck.”

“Oh, you’re a therapist now?” I hiss, storming forward, and Cara squares her shoulders, ready for a fight.
