Page 96 of The Step Bet

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It’s a pipe dream that he’ll come back and we’ll be a big happy family again, because even if what Brandon’s saying is true, there’s no quick fix for this. Even in my most perfect fantasy, he’ll struggle with this for the rest of his life.

But there’s the thought that maybe…just maybe…there’s some truth, enough that I can have my big brother back.

Bro: You free around 7-ish?

Me: Of course!

I wait for his reply, but it doesn’t come as quickly as his other messages, so I’m just staring at my phone, willing him to respond.

There’s a buzz, but this time it’s Atlas.

Atlas: Hot. You working or having a photoshoot?

I’d nearly forgotten about the pic I’d taken, and in all my excitement, I forgot I told Atlas we’d get together for dinner.

But I know him. He of all people will understand.

I start to text him but stop myself.

I want to blurt out that Brandon just texted, but I can’t. Atlas is the first person I’d share something like that with, but if Brandon lets me down, if he doesn’t show, I can’t imagine that would help Atlas’s impression of him. And I don’t want the most important man in my life to think of my brother as what he’s become. I don’t want anyone to think of him that way.

Me: Figured your eyes were missing me.

Atlas: You figured correctly.

Me: So…something came up today. You mind if we change our plans for tonight?

I notice the ellipsis as he’s typing. It stops, then starts, stops, then starts again. Finally, I get—

Atlas: Sure. Everything okay, T?

I consider my response carefully. I don’t want to worry him, but I also don’t want to lie.

Me: Yeah. It’s…wild. I’ll tell you about it. Maybe we could meet up later tonight?

Atlas: That works. I’ve been having a shit day anyway.

Now I feel even worse. I know he needs me there for him, but with Atlas, at least I know he’ll still be there later tonight and tomorrow and the next day. With Brandon, that might not be the case, and I have to take advantage of the opportunity.

Me: This has not been my A’s week. :( I’ll make it all better when I see you later.

Atlas: Looking forward to it. *devil emoji*

And I’m looking forward to it too because I’m hoping that when I see him, I’ll have wonderful news to share.



There’s an annoyingvoice in my head that won’t shut up, telling me something is wrong. It’s unlike Troy to change plans and not give me a reason why. My brain tries to do everything it can to sabotage me, telling me he’s already moving on, that he’s done with me, that maybe he’s like Glen and going to find someone else, that he’s kissing someone else the way I saw Glen do, but then I figure that’s more my guilty conscience than anything.

I’m the one with the huge secret. One that’s going to rip the rug out from beneath us. No matter what I tell myself, I know there’s no real excuse for keeping this from him last night. And now my plan to admit today what I saw is derailed by Troy’s mysterious plans, and oh look, I’m thinking about that again.

He didn’t mention the shirt you put in his bag. Why wouldn’t he mention the shirt?

I groan, pounding my fist on the arm of the couch. There are a hundred possibilities why he didn’t mention it—he hasn’t found it yet, he forgot, he’s busy—but then I think about Glen, how he started pulling away from Mom when he met Ellie. Is Glen doing that to Ellie now? Is he distracted and forgetting things that are important to her because he has someone else?

And I know how wrong it is to wonder that about Troy. Iknow him, down to the marrow of my bones, and he wouldnevercheat on me, but damn, emotions can play tricks on you. Make you think truths are lies and vice versa.
