Page 15 of Carjacked

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He gestures to me with a smirk, his intent clear. Swallowing hard, I hesitantly move toward him, clambering onto his lap with his guidance. His hard cock and the metal ring press against the small of my back, making me gasp.

Then his fingers find me, sliding into me with a force that makes me cry out. I can feel him deep within me, his fingers exploring me, touching me in ways that no one else ever has. His breath is hot against my ear as he murmurs, “You’re a naughty little liar, aren’t you? You’ve been keeping secrets from me, starlight.” And then he gently tugs the string of the plastic device nestled deep within me. My IUD.

His laughter is low and dark. “You need to be punished for your lies,” he whispers, his voice a dangerous growl that sends a shiver down my spine. “I wasted good money on condoms we don’t fucking need!” There’s both desire and anger in his tone.

“How shall I punish you?” Ash’s voice is a menacing purr.

His fingers dance over my clit, grazing the sensitive nub in a way that sends electric shocks through my body. I groan at the sensation, my fingers gripping his muscular thighs. He starts to circle my clit, the rhythm steady and excruciatingly slow, building up an intense pleasure that makes me arch my back, gasping for air.

As I’m about to tumble over the edge into ecstasy, he pulls back, his fingers leaving a cold void where warmth and pleasure had been. I whimper, my hips bucking against him in a desperate plea for more, but he merely chuckles, repeating the torturous cycle over and over again, each time backing off when I’m on the brink of release.

The pleasure is overwhelming, and the denial even more so. His punishment is agonizingly delightful, leaving me teetering on the edge of insanity.

“What are you doing?” I growl when he does it again.

He stops. “Liars don’t get to come.” He moves me off his lap and then pushes me to the other side of the bath, forcing me to kneel. “They do get to suck dick, though. And I know you enjoy that.” He forces my head down onto the thick length of his cockand thrusts upward, choking me. The metal ring hits the back of my throat and makes me gag violently.

Bile rises in my throat as I gag, tears springing to my eyes. I hate him, how much I love this, and how my body betrays me. He grips my hair, guiding my mouth over his length.

Pleasure spikes through me, intense and unexpected, the unique combination of fear, submission, and raw desire pushing me toward an edge I didn’t know I was teetering on.

I choke on a gasp as I come undone, my body spasming uncontrollably with pleasure. It’s unexpected, shocking even, but the intensity of it sends my mind spiraling into oblivion.

He grunts in annoyance, and I realize I’ve broken his rule. He comes down my throat, forcing me to swallow. I do; the act is a final surrender that leaves my body quivering.

“I told you not to come...” He trails off, his voice thick with desire and annoyance. He yanks me up by my hair before flipping me over onto my stomach, pushing me onto the cold rim of the bath.

A whimper escapes me as his hand comes down hard on my ass, and I can feel the sting through the haze of my pleasure. And then he spanks me lower. He’s punishing me, his hand spanking my swollen pussy. After a few spanks, I come again, the pleasure so intense that it leaves me weak and trembling.

“Fuck’s sake,” he mutters under his breath. “How can I punish you when you come from pain and degradation alone?” He forces me to stand upright. “Get out of the bath and go to bed,” he commands.

I obey without question, my body still trembling from the intense orgasms. The cold bathroom tile against my bare feet sends another shiver through me, a stark contrast to the lingering heat of my punished flesh. I wrap a scratchy motel towel around me.

He’s watching me as I leave, his gaze heavy and dark with an unspoken promise. I know he’s not done with me yet, but for now, I get to sleep and forget how fucked up this all is.

My cheeks burn hot with shame as I stumble toward the bed, toweling off quickly and dropping it on the floor. I slide into the bed. The sheets are as scratchy and horrible as the towel, but they’re a soothing balm to my aching body, offering a temporary respite until he decides I must be punished again.

I can’t help but respond to him, to the wild desire in his eyes, to the unmistakable dominance of his touch.

As I glance at the bathroom, my eyes catch the sight of his discarded clothes on the bathroom floor, the dark stains of his blood stark against the white fabric of his shirt. The sight sobers me, reminding me of the danger that lurks beneath his enticing facade.

I can’t escape the reality of what he is or the danger he poses. The man who can make me come undone with one touch is also the man who murderers as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. The paradox sends a shiver down my spine, a cold dread settling in my stomach. I must get a grip of myself before I lose sight of right and wrong entirely.



The expanse of the country fields stretches either side of the road as we drive down the back routes toward Montana. It’s taking ages, the distance between the places we’ve been and where we’re going growing with each passing mile.

As the seemingly endless drive gets monotonous, flashing blue and red lights in the rearview mirror snap us back to reality.

“Fuck!” I say, running a hand through my hair. “Act cool.”

I glance at Lila, wondering if she’d hand me over to a cop. She might. After all, I’ve stolen her car and forced her on this journey with me.

“Lila,” I say, my voice low and threatening, “keep your mouth shut. Don’t say anything unless he asks you directly, got it?”

She nods, but I can see fear flickering in her eyes.
