Page 42 of Carjacked

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It stands there, a haven amid the wilderness. There’s a larger log-built chalet and a smaller cabin, as Dad described. It’s picturesque and nestled beside a sprawling lake, surrounded by a silent congregation of trees.

The isolation of this place is perfect for our escape; a part of me wishes he were here. A part of me is relieved I don’t have to deal with the wounds of my past.

Lila sits beside me, her gaze tracing the landscape with awe and trepidation. She’s my prize, and it’s almost poetic that I have her with me after the chaos I’ve left behind. The road we took was painted with sins, each mile marker a testament to my actions. I’m a convicted murderer, a man with blood on his hands, and this paradise is the antithesis of what I deserve.

But standing here, looking at the tranquility I can’t help but feel a sense of twisted accomplishment. The lake mirrors the calm surface I try to present, while the trees, their branchesintertwined, remind me of the dark thoughts that coil around my conscience.

The wind whispers through the leaves, carrying the scent of pine with it. I should be haunted by the lives I’ve taken, but there’s a numbness instead. It’s the only way I’ve learned to cope—with detachment.

The chalet looms before us, its doors welcoming. As we step out of the truck, the reality of our newfound refuge settles over us like a shroud. Dad’s home is now mine, a sanctuary tainted by the shadows I’ve brought with me.

“How are you feeling?” Lila asks pity in her pretty blue eyes.

I hate her pity.

“I’m fine,” I lie, shrugging off her concern.

Lila’s gaze narrows, slicing through my defenses with an intensity that sets my blood on fire. She sees through the facade and recognizes the damaged soul behind the mask.

“Fine?” she asks.

“Let’s go inside,” I murmur, ignoring her question.

I reach for her hand, her skin against mine an anchor. We move toward the chalet, our steps synchronized on the gravel path.

I slide the key into the intricately carved front door before pushing it open to reveal a grand foyer bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun that spills through the tall windows. The light dances across polished wooden floors, and the scent of aged mahogany fills the air.

“This is breathtaking,” Lila whispers, her voice carrying a note of awe.

I nod, feeling the tightness in my chest ease while I watch her marvel at the beauty around us.

The concept of love, that illusion peddled by poets and fools, had always been foreign to me. My heart, a fortress of solitude, impenetrable and cold—never had it quickened for another.

Desire? Yes. Lust? Undeniably. But love had never tempted me to abandon the embrace of darkness until Lila came with piercing eyes and auburn curls and challenged the void where my heart should beat.

My boots thud against the wooden floor as we walk through the grand foyer. The walls are adorned with antlers and mounted animal heads.

A sweeping staircase with an intricate wrought-iron railing to my right beckons us upward. A massive stone fireplace dominates the living room, its hearth cold.

Lila’s hand tightens in mine, her grip a lifeline in this sea of unfamiliar opulence.

As we pass through the living room, my gaze falls upon the grand piano in the corner. Its polished, ebony surface reflects the flickering firelight, inviting me to touch its keys. My mom may have been a drug addict, but I remember she used to play so beautifully on an old worn out piano to get me to sleep.

I tear my eyes away from the piano and continue toward the kitchen, the scent of pine and cedarwood lingering in the air. The kitchen is spacious, with a large center island and state-of-the-art appliances. It’s a far cry from the cramped little log cabin we left behind. We’re a world away from my past.

Lila releases my hand and walks to the window, her forehead pressed against the cool glass. The sun has set outside, casting the surrounding forest in an inky abyss. The only light source comes from the moon, its pale glow illuminating the snow-covered peaks of the distant mountains. It’s a breathtaking sight, one that soothes the restlessness within me.

“It’s beautiful,” Lila murmurs.

I stand beside her, my gaze drawn to the moonlit landscape. It’s a scene of peace and tranquility.

“Yes, it is,” I agree.

We stand there in silence, the moonlight casting long shadows across the kitchen.

A desire, raw and primal, surges through me. I want to taste Lila, to feel her beneath me, to lose myself in the oblivion of her body.

It’s like wildfire, consuming my entire being. I can’t deny the primal urge that grips me, the need to possess her, to make her mine in every sense of the word.
