Page 5 of Carjacked

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Ineed to escape.

As I stare at myself in the mirror, I know I’ve got no idea how. The man who has effectively kidnapped me is insane.

I can still taste his cum in my mouth. He’s sick. Fucked in the head. And a part of me fears I am, too. Because when he forced me to wrap my lips around him and suck him clean, I enjoyed it. Hell, I felt a bolt between my thighs the moment I set eyes on his huge, thick pierced cock.

I’ve never seen a pierced cock before, but it was oddly arousing. I’m still tingling with need right now despite the fact the guy I’m with is mentally unstable and could kill me at any moment. Not to mention, I’ve got a boyfriend at home, even if he’s a complete and utter asshole.

I go to the window, my heart pounding with a desperate glimmer of hope. My fingers tremble as I reach for the latch, pulling it open with a soft creak. But what awaits me on the other side shatters my fleeting hope into a million pieces, thick iron bars, cold and unforgiving under my touch. I let out a shaky breath and close it, before resting my forehead against the coldglass as I assess my prison. My thoughts race alongside my heartbeat.

There’s no way out from here, no secret hatch or overlooked exit. I’m trapped. And worse, I have to walk right back to him.

I open the bathroom door slowly, nerves coiling tight in my stomach. He’s sprawled out on one of the beds, tattooed arms folded behind his head, his chest rising and falling steadily.

He’s asleep. I take a moment, studying him. Dangerous, intoxicating, a walking contradiction. His muscular physique is undeniably attractive, covered in intricate tattoos that beg exploration.

He’s everything my boyfriend isn’t. He’s all man. A criminal, yes, but somehow brimming with an unexpected allure. His dark eyes, now closed, had struck me like a bolt of lightning when we first met. And the hair, thick and medium length, begging for me to run my fingers through.

I shake the thoughts away, berating myself. I can’t afford to be distracted.

“Like what you see, starlight?” he asks. One eye-opening and fixing on me.

His voice startles me, a husky tone laced with amusement and something more profound. I stiffen, caught off guard. “I...I was just...,” I stutter, unable to form a coherent sentence.

He chuckles, his gaze twinkling with amusement. “Relax, starlight,” he says, shifting on the bed and running a hand through his thick hair. “You can share with me if you’d like.”

My heart skips a beat, and I can’t help but notice how his tattooed muscles flex under the dim light. “No thanks.” I rush toward the other bed, still fully dressed, about to get in.

“Not like that,” he says.

I freeze and glance at him. “What?”

“Strip. You can’t sleep in that dress.”

A blush creeps up my cheeks, and my throat goes dry. “I...I can’t,” I manage to mutter, my voice barely above a whisper.

He raises an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving me. “You’ll ruin the dress,” he states, his voice thick with that undeniable undercurrent of command. His eyes close as if he’s already dismissed the conversation.

I stand there, frozen momentarily, torn between indignation and a strange desire to comply. I take a deep breath, averting my eyes from him.

A knot forms in my stomach as I realize I might have been drawn toward him under different circumstances. But I push that thought away, reminding myself of my situation.

With a trembling hand, I reach for the zipper of my dress, pulling it down slowly. My cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I’m acutely aware of his presence behind me. I slip out of the dress, my skin prickling with a chill that has nothing to do with the temperature. I hastily grab the covers and slide under them, my back facing him.

I close my eyes, willing my heartbeat to slow. But the fabric of the bedding is cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the heat of my skin. I squeeze my eyes shut, desperate to ignore the pull I feel toward him, the curiosity, the desire. It’s wrong, it’s dangerous. But it’s real and there, gnawing at the edge of my consciousness.

I force myself to breathe, focusing on my chest’s rhythmic rise and fall. I have to be strong.

I’m in danger, and I need to find a way out. He destroyed my phone, and if I don’t turn up tonight at my parent’s party, they’ll be worried about me. With any luck, they’ll speak to the waste of space that is Brian, and he’ll tell them I was on my way. And they’ll call the police.

All I can do is try to survive and navigate this twisted situation I’ve found myself in. It’s a terrifying reality, but it’s myreality. And for now, there’s no escape. I didn’t miss the fact that he opted for the bed closest to the door.

Allowing him to fall asleep and sneaking out in a few hours is tempting. I’d get in my car, drive far, find a pay phone, and reveal his location and what happened to the police. It’s the best plan I can come up with right now. I can’t pin all my hopes on my parents alerting the police, but I fear escape won’t be so easy.


