Page 26 of Silent House

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Finn leaned forward, undeterred by Albert's evasions."How did you feel when you learned that Roy Hubbard, the man who drove your daughter to commit suicide, had moved back into the area?"

Albert's eyes flicked away from Finn, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat."I'm tired," he mumbled, avoiding the question."It's late, and I need to head to bed."The weariness in his voice didn't quite match the tension in his posture, but it was clear he wasn't up for any more talking.

"Of course," Sheila said, standing up and offering Albert a tight smile."We appreciate your time, and we're sorry to have kept you up."

"Thank you," Albert replied, his tone curt as he showed them to the door.

As they stepped outside, the chill night air brushed against their faces, and Finn turned to Sheila."We should come back in the morning.Maybe he'll be more willing to talk then."

Sheila nodded absently, not really listening to him.Her gaze was drawn to the open garage door nearby, curiosity tugging at her thoughts.What could be inside?Why had Albert been so cagey about Lisa and Roy?

"Hey, Sheila?Are you okay?"Finn asked, concern etched on his face.

"I'll meet you at the car," she said, her curiosity getting the better of her."I'll be there in a minute."

He looked at her questioningly, but she waved him away.

As she headed toward the garage, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her instincts as an athlete and fighter telling her there was something important waiting for her inside.

As she approached the entrance, she carefully peeked into the dimly lit space.Tools of various shapes and sizes were scattered all over the place, some hanging on the walls while others were strewn haphazardly across a workbench.Amidst the clutter, several projects seemed to be in progress: a half-assembled engine block, woodworking equipment covered in sawdust, and an old bicycle with its chain hanging loose.

Her gaze darted around the room, searching for anything out of the ordinary.Then, her eyes locked onto something that sent a shiver down her spine.A pile of rope lay coiled in one corner, frayed ends dangling loosely.It looked eerily similar to the rope used to hang the Hubbards.Next to it, an old hunting knife glinted menacingly under the faint light, its blade stained with what might have been rust.

Or blood.

"What the hell are you doing?"a voice behind her yelled, causing her to jump.She turned around to see Albert glaring at her from the porch, his face contorted with anger, a shotgun in his hand.The dog growled beside him, teeth bared and hackles raised.

"Drop the weapon, Albert," Sheila said calmly, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

"Like hell I will!First, you come here dredging up my daughter's suicide, and now you're breaking into my garage?I've had enough!"

Sheila's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the veins bulging in Albert's neck, his face flushed with rage.She could feel the tension crackling in the air, the electricity of danger humming around them.

He's going to shoot me,she thought, numb with shock.He's really going to do it.

"Albert, please," she said, her eyes locked on the shotgun's barrel."We don't want anyone to get hurt."

"You should have left me alone!"Albert roared, his finger trembling dangerously close to pulling the trigger.Sheila held her breath, her mind racing for a solution, for any way to defuse the situation and save both their lives.

"I understand that you're upset," she said, trying a gentler approach."But we're just doing our job.We need to find out who killed the Hubbards, and your daughter's connection to Roy Hubbard is important."

"Don't you dare use my daughter's name in the same sentence as that...that bastard!"he said, raising the shotgun and sighting down the length of the barrel as his finger caressed the trigger.

Just then, Finn emerged from the shadows along the porch, taking Albert by surprise.He lunged forward and shoved the gun aside just as Albert reflexively squeezed the trigger.The deafening blast tore through the still night air, leaving a gaping hole in the farmhouse wall where it had narrowly missed Sheila.

With lightning-fast reflexes honed by years of combat experience, Finn wrestled the shotgun from Albert's grasp and pinned the older man to the ground, his knee pressing into Albert's back.The dog barked, but didn't seem inclined to interfere.

"Albert Cartwright, you're under arrest," Finn said.

"Arrest me if you want," Albert said, his eyes bright with hate."You can lock me in a cell and throw away the key for all I care.Roy Hubbard got what he deserved, and I won't be sorry for what happened to him!"


Sheila's gaze locked onto the man behind the one-way mirror, her eyes narrowed as she sized up Albert Cartwright.The fluorescent light above cast a pale glow on his weathered face, highlighting his unkempt beard and piercing eyes.His hands clenched into fists on the table, knuckles turning white.

He looked like a man capable of violence, but was he capable of murdering an entire family in cold blood?

"Hey, you okay?"Finn Mercer's voice startled her, causing her to jump.Her heart raced as she turned to see him holding two cups of coffee.
