Page 50 of Silent House

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"I'm Juanita, by the way," she said."These are my children, Magdalena and Carlos."

Sheila smiled."I'm Sheila, and this is Officer Finn.We're just doing our job."

Juanita shook her head firmly."This wasn't just doing your job.This could have gone a lot differently if you'd been someone else.But you risked your life for us, put your own safety on the line, and for that we owe you a debt of gratitude."

Sheila's cheeks flushed with a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment."You're very welcome," She said."We're just glad we got here in time."

The mother hesitated, then asked, "Do you know why he did it?Why he attacked us?"

Sheila exchanged a glance with Finn before responding."He was...jealous," she said carefully."Your family's happiness was something he couldn't handle.Ben Burton was too insecure to be able to accept it, so he tried to destroy it by hurting you."

The woman stared at her, uncomprehending."He attacked us because we were happy?"Her voice trembled, and she wrapped her arms around herself as if to ward off a chill that had nothing to do with the night air.

"Unfortunately, yes," Finn said, his expression grim."Some people can't stand to see others thriving, so they lash out in the only way they know how."

The mother shuddered, appalled."That's...monstrous," she murmured."But why pick us?"

"You went to Mildred Heights High School, didn't you?"

Juanita frowned."Yes.How did you know that?"

"He went there, too—well, sort of.He was the janitor's son, and he helped his dad clean the school.Do you remember him, by any chance?"

Juanita pressed her lips together and thought.Finally, she shook her head."No, the name's not familiar.But by the sound of it, he certainly remembered me.I'm just glad he can't harm my children now."

"So are we," Finn said.

Juanita flashed them a weary, grateful smile."Thanks again, officers.She turned away, seeking solace in her children's embrace once more.

Sheila turned to Finn."Would you have really let me leave with Burton?"she asked, remembering the desperate gamble she'd been willing to make.

Finn shook his head."No, not really."He rubbed the back of his neck, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips."I told you I was getting everyone out of the house, but I actually hid behind a door upstairs, ready to ambush him if he came out of the bedroom."

"Really?"Sheila felt the warmth of relief and something else wash over her.

"Yeah," Finn said with a lopsided grin."I like you too much to let someone else steal you away like that."

Her heart stuttered at his words, and she looked down, trying to hide the flush that rose in her cheeks.Was he just being playful, or was there a more serious meaning to his words?

An officer approached Juanita and her children and began taking their statements.Sheila watched, her mind wandering.She found herself thinking of her sister again.

"Hey, Finn," she said, breaking their shared silence."Do you think Natalie's okay?"

Finn glanced at her, his eyes filled with concern."What do you mean?"

"I haven't been able to reach her all day, and when I checked her house, she wasn't there.It's very much unlike her to disappear like this, and I have no idea where she would've gone."Speaking her thoughts aloud made the situation seem even more frightening, and Sheila felt a knot forming in her stomach.

"She's probably just taking a mental break," Finn said."The accident, being in a wheelchair now—the loss of mobility has hit her hard, you know.She puts on a brave face, but it's a struggle for her."

Sheila said nothing.She wasn't sure what to think.

"Maybe she just needs time and space," he continued thoughtfully."It can't be easy dealing with such a life-changing event."

Sheila nodded slowly, but she couldn't help feeling a pang of frustration.She'd been giving her sister plenty of time and space already, but was it so difficult for Natalie to answer a single call?Couldn't she just send a quick text to say everything was alright?

Didn't she realize how worried Sheila would be?

Finn checked his watch and took a deep breath."Look at that—three in the morning.Perfect time for breakfast, don't you think?"He looked at her expectantly, and she sensed he was trying to make her feel better.
