Page 56 of Seeking Justice

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Kevin turned to her, his expression etched with concern. “Bridget, listen to me. You need to stay back. Go to the car and call Sam. I’m going in.”

Bridget’s eyes flashed with defiance. “And let you face that alone? No way. Jo’s my sister.”

“Bridget, it’s too dangerous,” Kevin insisted, the urgency in his voice rising. “You’re not trained for this. We have no idea what we’re walking into.”

She set her jaw, her mind racing with memories of past dangers she’d faced. “I can’t just hide while you go in there. I’ve faced worse, Kevin. I won’t leave Jo.”

Kevin’s eyes softened for a moment, as if he understood her fear and resolve, but his tone remained firm. “It’s not about bravery. It’s about being smart. I need you to be safe, and we need backup.”

Bridget’s heart pounded, her fear for Jo clashing with the realization of the risk. Reluctantly, she nodded, her voice tight. “Fine, I’ll call Sam. But I’m not going far. And if you need me, I’m coming in.”

Kevin hesitated then gave a curt nod, acknowledging her decision. “Just… be careful.”

As Kevin moved stealthily toward the house, Bridget’s resolve hardened. She couldn’t just wait. She’d follow at a safe distance, ready to help. Her experience on the streets had taught her how to move quietly, how to survive. She wasn’t about to run back to the car and risk losing the only sister she had left. With a deep breath, she crept forward, every sense alert.


Jo still hadn’t shown up by the time Sam was done booking Danika. Sam’s anxiety spiked as Lucy paced restlessly by his side. The German shepherd’s behavior sent warning signals flashing through his mind. Something was seriously wrong.

“Have you heard from Jo?” Sam asked Reese as she was on her way out the door.

Reese shook her head. “Not since earlier today. Is something wrong?”

“I’m not sure. She’s not answering texts.”

“The last time I saw her you guys had just come back from talking to Hank Madden.” Reese stilled, her coat halfway on. “Do you need me to stay?”

“No. You go ahead home. I’m going to go check with Lily Dunn. That’s where Jo was going after our talk with Hank.”

He drove quickly to Lily Dunn’s art store and found her just as she was locking up for the night. The young artist looked surprised to see him. “Chief Mason? Is everything okay?”

“Lily, did Sergeant Harris come to talk to you?” Sam asked, his voice tense.

Lily’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Yeah, earlier today. She came by asking about Ricky Webster.”

Sam leaned in slightly, his instincts on high alert. “What exactly did you talk about?”

Lily, sensing the seriousness in his tone, took a deep breath. “Well, she came in asking about Ricky and his family.” Her voice held a defensive edge.

Sam nodded, encouraging her to continue.

“She seemed really focused on his father and uncle,” Lily said, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. “Kept asking if they were in trouble a lot and stuff like that.”

“And what did you tell her?” Sam pressed, watching her closely.

Lily shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Not much because I don’t really know anything about Ricky’s family. I keep telling you guys that he’s not a bad guy. What does it matter what his father or uncle did?”

Sam’s gaze didn’t waver. “Was there anything else?”

Lily started to shake her head, then her expression changed. “Yes, actually. She noticed my necklace.” She instinctively reached up to touch the chain around her neck. “She seemed really interested in it.”

Sam’s focus sharpened. “What about the necklace interested her?”

“She started acting weird when she saw it. She practically grabbed it from my neck.” Lily looked down at the crystal orb. “Asked where I got it.”

“Where did you get it?”

“From Ricky. He said it was some kind of family heirloom.” Lily stuck the key in the lock and locked the door. “As soon as I told her that, she rushed out. Kind of weird, if you ask me. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.”

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