Page 23 of Three Reasons

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“Um…sorry? Just got a little lost in my head.”

His frown deepened over my slow smirk, and I added a teasing glint to my eyes to suggest exactly where I’d gone in my imagination. A very pregnant pause settled between us, the silence as thick as molasses in winter.

Teach cleared his throat and shifted his gaze from my face. He returned to his lecture as though we hadn’t just enjoyed a sexually charged stare off.

Damn, the man is luscious.

Sighing, I propped my elbow on my desk and rested my chin in my hand. Even though my stomach continued to burn with discomfort, I enjoyed drinking in the sight of Professor D’Angelo.

His hair hadn’t been cut since the first class, and I wanted to sink my fingers into the thick dark strands atop his head. I would hold him still and devour his mouth. Swallow his moans while we frotted together like a couple of horny teenagers. Was he cut or uncut? A leaker like me? Would his mouth taste sweet as candy or hold a hint of depth and darkness I craved like another cup of coffee?

An elbow in my side jolted me out of my fantasy.

I raised an eyebrow at Jazzie, and they grinned with a knowing smile.

Heat rose to my face, but I stuck out my tongue like a kid before turning once more to face front. I hadn’t taken a single note from Teach’s lecture.

Fuck, I was going to fail if I didn’t get my shit together. Thank double fuck for Jazzie and their kick-ass note-taking. We’d met up at the library the week before to go over the information they’d managed to capture that had eluded me. I hoped their tutoring would be enough to help me earn a passing grade on the test we’d had the Friday before.

“As a whole, you all did better than I’d expected last week.” Professor D’Angelo retrieved a stack of papers off his desk and began handing them out. “Two students aced the test, doing away with the curve I usually implement. I suggest those of you who struggled with the first half of this unit go back and study what we’ve covered up to this point because it will be on the final.”

Here it comes.

I’d been nervous as fuck, staying up well past midnight Thursday the week before in attempt to soak in Jazzie’s notes through osmosis. Had it been enough? Would I earn a grade I could brag about to Pop?

My heart rate kicked up a few notches as I waited, Teach’s voice a low hum in my ears that didn’t articulate into words.

He paused in front of me. “Good job on your first test, Mr. Fox.”

His words of praise stroked over my mind like a firm grip around my thickening cock. And his raspy voice delivering the gift sent tingles racing down my spine.

I grinned up at him, my face hot.

Goddamn, those dark chocolate orbs sucked me in like a vacuum, tumbling me toward…I wasn’t sure, but I fucking loved it.

Wanted more of it.

He tore his focus off me for Jazzie, and my hand shook as I turned over the paper Teach had handed me.


I got a motherfucking B+!

“Ha!” The sound ripped from me, but I kept the Take that, Pop! to myself.

A few snickers sounded, but I didn’t give a shit. I bounced a bit on my chair, giddy as a third grader on Christmas morning. Elation ran through me for the final moments of class, and the second we were dismissed, I bolted from my chair.

Same as Professor D’Angelo had done the previous couple of weeks, he hurried through the door ahead of his students as though desperate to escape the room.

Was it the temptation of lingering with me like our first day that sent him scurrying?

I stalked after him with sure steps, desperate to get him alone again for just one minute. My soul craved more of his affirmation. His attention. Feet as determined as my dick, they propelled me forward through the crowded hallway.

I’d already snooped out where his office was, and I knew he didn’t have much time between classes. Sure enough, though, he slipped behind his office door.

Fifteen minutes wasn’t near enough a number to do everything I wanted with my obsession.

Not bothering to knock, I walked in unannounced.
