Page 29 of Three Reasons

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With a squeeze to my forearm, they left me alone.

I slipped into the less crowded hallway to find Matteo leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest in a closed off position if I’d ever seen one.

His reason for keeping distance between us I understood, but the brat in me hated he had to be so goddamn ethical. Strait-laced. A solid, mature man who didn’t waver from his morals. But the newly awoken part of me who longed for something more than a plethora of dick was also drawn to Matteo’s maturity. He would be the perfect balance to my wildness, the darkness to my light that often shone too bright for many people’s comfort.

Taking a risk by hitting on Matteo could have me ending up worse off than I already was: uncomfortable in class with difficulty concentrating.

Was he aware of what I did for work? Had he found out I sold my body for cash, and that became yet another reason he avoided me? Unsurprisingly, my insecurities came up with answers all on their own.

He saw me as lesser…grime under his shoe.

Our eyes connected as I stepped into the hallway, and that last thought dissipated.

Matteo’s dark orbs shot through with desire. Troubled want he hadn’t allowed me to see earlier in class in front of all his students. The same pained expression after I’d swallowed his cum.

I stepped closer, breathing in the scent of the soap that had set my mouth to watering the night I’d longed to kiss him in the bathroom…and the day I’d dropped to my knees to taste his cock in his office.

Clearing my throat, I grinned. “How’s it going, Teach?”

“Mr. Fox.” He bit the greeting out, removing his focus from my face to the people in the hallway I couldn’t give two shits about.

“Been thinking about you—but I’ve been a good boy just like you told me to be,” I stated quietly, leaning close enough I caught sight of the shiver that raised goose bumps on his forearm.

A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he didn’t reply.

“Haven’t I?” I pushed, needy as fuck for one word of praise from his delicious lips.

“You have,” he conceded quietly.

My heart fucking soared, a grin trying to split my face in two.

“Now make my day and tell me how cute I am,” I whispered, “how you can’t help but remember how I swallowed your dick—and cum.”

“Sean,” he croaked but refused to give me his eyes or what I’d asked for.

Still, elation swept through me over his cracked façade, like ice water trickling down my throat on a hot day. I leaned in even closer. “What about you? Been behaving yourself—or spending too much time dreaming about me kneeling for you again?”

A shudder ripped through him. “Excuse me, please.” Matteo strode down the hall, shoulders tensed.

Exhaling a heavy sigh, I watched him enter the lecture hall next door—Professor Hanson’s.

A safe place for him where I wouldn’t follow and tempt him. I scowled.

Goddamn it all to fucking hell and back again.

My cell buzzed in my pocket, and grumbling beneath my breath, I pulled it out.

BetsyAnne: We have a problem.

“Fuck.” I swore internally a few times at my secretary’s text.

Me: Give me a minute.

Leaving my fantasies behind, I hurried toward the building’s rear exit, shoving the door open to a blast of warm, early fall weather. The sun hit my face, and I blinked a few times before I could see well enough to dial the office at Micah’s mansion.

She answered with her sex hotline voice any straight man would enjoy the fuck out of.

“What’s up, B?” I asked.
