Page 96 of Three Reasons

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My boyfriend had brought me to a goddamned sex club.

Blood rushed straight to my dick as Mistress Chantelle greeted Matteo.

“And you must be Sean, Matteo’s sweet boy,” she purred. Her eyes glittered with happiness as she took me in from head to toes.

A shiver of excitement slid down my spine. Neither Matteo nor I were into exhibition, so I hoped whatever Matteo had in mind for us wouldn’t include some sort of sexual act in the lounge.

“The room is ready as you requested,” she told Matteo even though her welcoming gaze had returned to my face.

Room—so definitely something private.

But what sort of kink did he plan on exploring with me? We had sex toys galore at home, all used on me, of course. He hadn’t changed his stance on bottoming, which I’d been perfectly content with. Sure, my dick wished for a hot, tight hole on occasion, but Matteo gladly got onto his knees for me. He was all I needed.

Oh, shit.

I swallowed audibly, glancing over at him.

His dark eyes met mine, full of love and a whole lot of lust. “Ready to fulfill that fantasy of yours?”

“Oh fuck,” I whispered, having to press down on my suddenly aching dick. “Yes—Jesus fucking Christ, yes, please.”

Chuckling, Mistress Chantelle motioned for us to follow her. She led us through a set of double doors into the dim lounge. The scent of leather, sweat, and sex brewed in the air like an erotic feast for the senses.

The sounds of flesh slapping rose from a spanking and two couples having sex without a care about their live audience looking on. A woman stood tied to a Saint Andrew’s cross atop a dais, her backside covered with red lashes from the flogger gripped in hand by the Viking standing beside her.

Over a dozen submissives knelt for their seated Doms as I often did with Matteo whenever I needed to clear my head. A Domme held a leash to a young man garbed in a puppy outfit.

Whatever floated their boat.

Me? I focused on that fantasy Matteo had hinted about months earlier, one that promised my dick something a little more than a warm mouth or tight fist.

I leaked pre-cum while following Chantelle through her lounge to a door. She paused after opening it for us.

“Third room on the left,” she stated, still smiling. “Enjoy your evening, Sean. Matteo.” She dipped her head and turned on her stiletto heels, leaving us alone.

Matteo motioned me forward, and I hurried down the hallway like an eager kid about to get their first blow job.

He snickered behind me, and I immediately slowed, suddenly unsure about revealing my excitement. I didn’t want Matteo thinking he wasn’t enough, that I couldn’t wait to sink balls deep into an ass.

I stopped at the third door and spun, grabbing Matteo and yanking him against me. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

He smirked, his eyes darkening as our groins rubbed together. “A time or two.”

“And you know you’re everything I need, right? I don’t—we don’t have to do this.”

Matteo cradled my face in his hands as I grabbed hold of his ass to keep him pressed along my front. “I’m confident in what we have, Sean. Promise.”

My heart raced, and I nodded. “As long as you’re sure.”

“I am. Come.” He planted a quick, chaste kiss on my lips and reached behind me for the door handle. “Give me the pleasure of fulfilling one of your fantasies.”

Releasing a slow exhale, I followed him into a large bedroom draped in shadow, stopping right inside the door. Four dimmed sconces allowed for some sight, enough for me to make out the young man standing across the room near the foot of the bed, hands clasped behind his back.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet boy,” Matteo murmured against my ear, sending a shudder through my bones.

“Fuck…he’s so damned pretty,” I whispered the same sentiment the younger Mr. Chesterfield had about me when I’d been a birthday present from his bear of a husband right before classes had started.

Matteo had questioned my tastes when it had come to my topping men in the past, and he’d paid attention.

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