Page 76 of A Temporary Memory

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I nodded before any other obstacles invaded our practice. “I’ll let them know. But I’ll also tell them to be flexible, just in case.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Grayson launched himself off the chair and plastered his milk-soaked chest against his dad’s pants.

I tensed, muscle memory waiting for the inevitable shouting like my mom’s boyfriends used to do when I inconvenienced them. Cody only exchanged an amused look with me and patted Grayson on the back. “No problem, bud. We’ll work things out when we can.”

Ivy jumped up and down. “Yay! We’re having company! We haven’t had company before.” She darted back into the living room to—I didn’t know, but she was excited to entertain.

Cody’s grimace was quick. “No, we haven’t had much for company over the years.” He checked the time again and mouthed a swear word. “I’ve gotta get to the office.” He raked a hot gaze down my body, then caught my eye. My belly did yet another flip, as if I hadn’t seen him almost every day since I’d been in town. “Do what you need to do. I’ll make sure I’m done by four.”

“Thank you.”

He gingerly stepped around the milk splatter. “Sorry I didn’t have time to clean this up.”

“No problem. Grayson can be my scrubber while I throw a load of laundry in.”

When he passed me, he lightly touched my arm, fingertips to bare skin. Desire that should’ve been thoroughly sated flooded my blood vessels. I didn’t know when we’d get to do more than a discreet tap, but it didn’t feel like soon enough.

* * *


I was in my third meeting of the day, and I needed to get this wrapped up by four, but I wasn’t in a position to hurry proceedings. The guy on the other end required my full attention. Weston Duke was the CEO of King Oil, and once he learned I was working from Crocus Valley, the conversation went from King Oil contracting a portion of our wells to Weston peppering me with questions.

Are you from the area? How long have you been there? Ever get to Coal Haven? Do you know the Barrons?

The last question derailed everything. The phone buzzed against my ear with texts I hadn’t read yet. Ordinarily, I’d love to chat—my new brother-in-law was the nephew of Weston’s old boss. Weston used to be vice president of the refinery outside of Coal Haven. His five kids had been born and raised in Coal Haven until he got the job at King Oil.

The old King Oil owner had retired as CEO to spend more time with his family. I didn’t think Weston’s ethos matched the desire. The man traveled nearly constantly, and he answered some of my emails as late as three in the morning.

I checked my watch, grateful Weston didn’t insist on video calls, and couldn’t see my restless squirming. If I hadn’t taken WD-40 to the chair, it would’ve squeaked through the whole meeting.

“I’d like a tour of what you have.” He said it so abruptly after waxing on about Coal Haven, I didn’t realize I had spaced out while checking my watch for the eightieth time.

“Mr. Duke?”

“Weston, please.”

We weren’t exactly equals in the industry. Knight’s Oil Wells made a lot of money, depending on the economy, but guys like Weston owned guys like me. I had to stay sharp to get my employees and my family the best deal.

We were doing fine. But we’d do even better if we contracted with a company like King Oil. We’d stay more consistent during the ups and downs associated with a larger, Montana-based firm. King Oil was known for doing good business, but they also preferred to be as local as possible.

As for entertaining a visit from the CEO, that was a little more inconvenient. I didn’t want to leave the kids for what time I had left with them to go on a business trip, but I also hated to drag them and Tova out of town when I saw how important their dance practice was to the other kids involved.

Grayson’s adjustment to traveling was witnessed with the milk incident this morning and Ivy’s excitement at having friends over, something Meg had avoided if at all possible, often telling meIf I wanted to take care of more kids, I would’ve had more kids. Feel free to be the one to take leave and entertain, Alcott.

That settled it. I would trek to Buffalo Gully on my own and ask Aggie for an auntie overnighter. “I can be back in Buffalo Gully whenever you need.”

“I can fly into Coal Haven. You have some wells right over the border, correct?”

“Yes, Mr.—Weston.”

“Great. We can make it a day trip. I don’t want to take you away from your kids.”

Relief was a cool pack on my forehead. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“I remember what it was like. My kids are all adults, but when they were younger, my old boss used to be very conscientious about family time. I’ll fly in at nine, we can be done with the well visits by two and get back to Coal Haven by four. That’ll give me time to stop in at the refinery while anyone I know is still at work.” His old stomping grounds. “Does next Tuesday work?”

I didn’t bother to check my schedule. As considerate as he was being, I’d make it work. “I can pick you up, or will you arrange a car?”
