Page 93 of All of You

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I peel off my gloves, lean in so our noses are touching, and run my thumbs along her frosty cheekbones. There’s nearly no space between our lips. “I’m going to marry you here.”

Her eyes flare. “In the treehouse?”

“Well, under it or close to it. Or we could do it in the high school gym.”

“Ha.” She rubs her nose along mine. “Well, you need to ask me first.”

“Fine, but that’s just a technicality.”

“Oh, it is, is it?”

“Yeah. You’ve told me many times that I have all of you.”

A slow, brilliant smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes sparkle with delight. “That’s true, and can I assume the same is for me with you?”

She’s now removed her gloves too, and her cool fingers traverse the sliver of exposed skin at my neck. A light fluttery sensation skitters through my chest. I’ll never tire of how she excites me with just a look or a touch.

Wren arches a brow, urging me to answer her, and it gives me no end of pleasure to tell her like it is.

“Absolutely, Tyler. You had all of me from the moment I met you.”
