Page 35 of Veiled Vengeance

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Luna chuckled. “It’s funny,” Luna said. “Are they not paying you enough on the council? Because I’d think you have better things to do than invade Adrian’s home.”

All too quickly, Victor moved out of the kitchen, breaching the distance between them. Still in her towel, Luna became very aware of the closing distance as Victor moved his face within inches of her.

“Can we cut the act?” Victor said, nearly breathing on her face. “I’m so tired of keeping up the lie. We both know what you did. Let’s stop pretending.”

“Whatyoudid, you mean?”

Victor’s eyes widened, his jaw dropping in response.

“That’s quite an accusation,” Victor said. “No, I think you’ll find that the pack made their decision. You’re the guilty party, not me.”

Victor put on a mock display of sorrow. “Poor, poor Darius,” Victor said. “I still see his smiling face sometimes in my mind. The thought that I can no longer look upon him … that you took him from me. It’s almost too much to bear.”

“Get out of my house.”

“Only, it’s not your house, is it?” Victor asked, sitting on the loveseat and making himself comfortable. “It’s Adrian’s house, much as you try to weave your web around him. And once the pack knows what you did, Adrian will disavow you, just as Darius should have done.”

Moving quickly to the knife cabinet, Luna retrieved a silver blade, holding it up for Victor to see.

“Going to murder another werewolf?” Victor asked, smiling wickedly. “I’m on the council, love. I don’t think that’s going to go well for you.”

“I said get out.”

Victor sighed, bringing himself to his feet. “Very well, Miss Luna,” Victor said. “You’re not as fun to tease anymore. You’re losing your edge.”

He looked at the knife she was holding. “That knife looks a bit dull too. You really should sharpen it.”

She lunged at him, hoping he would get the message.

“Go ahead and tell your lies,” Luna said, now pushing Victor into a corner. “At the end of the day, the truth has a way of coming out.”

“Wishful thinking, love.”

“Get out!”

Luna’s enhanced shifter senses kicked in, and she heard a singsong hum approaching and smelled the scent of fresh linens.

“Fine,” Victor said before pushing open the cracked front door. “But we’ll continue this discussion later.”

Luna watched as Victor disappeared into the night, and Sasha approached.

“What’s Victor doing here this time of night?” Sasha asked. The question was innocent at first, but then she frowned, seeming to notice the look on Luna’s face.

For her part, Luna felt exhausted. She wanted to rest. She would have never thought Victor would attack her in her own home.

“Come in and sit down,” Luna said, realizing she was still covered in a towel. After getting dressed, Luna explained everything to Sasha, pouring her a tall glass of wine.

She told her about her father and her fiancé. She told her about how Victor had poisoned the town against her at the behest of her father and how he was responsible for both of their deaths.

“Wow,” Sasha said, taking a big swig of wine. “Luna, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this.”

“I didn’t have a choice,” Luna said. “Victor turned my pack against me, and all I could do was run. It’s going to be so easy for him to turn Crescent Moon against me.”

Sasha shook her head. “Not if we can help it.”


