Page 41 of Veiled Vengeance

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He had spoken the last words she had said in their last encounter, and here he was, attempting to use those words against her.

“You’re not pack alpha, Victor,” Sasha interjected. “Why don’t you stop acting like you are.”

Victor chuckled.

“An alpha is more than a title, I think you’ll find. For example, where is your alpha now? Evading his duties as usual?”

“Adrian is away on duty,” Luna replied.

The truth was she wasn’t sure where Adrian had gone. She knew as alpha, anything could have come up, but she had hoped to find him working late in his office. Now, with a wildfire of accusations spreading, she really wished he was here.

“He will be back momentarily.” She tried to keep her voice confident.

“That’s the common refrain, yes,” Victor said. “But I think the people are tired of your non-answers.”

Turning once more to the crowd, eyes half-closed and a sly smile on his face, Victor addressed the crowd.

“Why don’t you ask your questions one at a time?” Victor said. “I’m sure Miss Luna would be glad to answer them. I think you’re just overwhelming her.”

Her blood ran cold.

“Miss Edna,” Victor said, touching the daycare specialist on the shoulder. Luna could almost see the shadow falling from Victor to Edna. “Why don’t you ask your question?”

Taking the opportunity, Edna took two steps forward.

“My son has been missing for days,” Edna said. “I know he’s a grown man, but I worry for him. Can you tell me where Seth is, please?”

Luna took a deep breath. “I cannot at the moment,” Luna said. “But we are going to help you look.”

“Typical non-response,” Victor interjected. “Edna, as soon as this meeting is over, I promise you I will find your son.”

Edna nodded at Victor, smiling.

“Thank you, Victor. You’re a true asset to our council and our pack.”

Victor grinned warmly, though Luna could see through the facade. “Of course. It’s the least that pack leadership should do.”

Victor turned to the rest of the crowd. “Any further questions?” he asked before addressing Luna. “We’re going to be here as long as we need to. I hope you didn’t have any plans.”

Rather than replying to him, Luna anticipated the upcoming actions of the crowd.

What she saw next surprised even her. Slowly edging his way forward, the crowd dispersing around his small, pudgy form, the small child Maurice stepped forward.

“Even the little ones have questions for you,” Victor said, a fake cheery demeanor on his face. “You’re never too young for politics, it seems.”

She thought of how Adrian had taken Maurice aside to comfort him about the trouble between his parents at the monthly breakfast. She was deeply starting to miss Adrian and wished he was here to calm this storm.

“Hi, Miss Luna,” Maurice said softly.

“Oh,” Victor said. “You might speak up so that the rest of the crowd can hear you.”

“Hi, Miss Luna!”

Luna smiled down at him, though she started to get an uneasy feeling.

“Hello, Maurice,” Luna said. “What would you like to ask?”

“Why did you kill Darius and your dad? Didn’t you love them?”
