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“That was the kiss you should have gotten all those years ago.”

I felt dizzy and continued to cling to his arm.

“What about now, Jacob? Could you show me the kiss you would give me now?” The left corner of his lips hitched into a familiar half smirk.

“Are you sure you want me to?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything.”

He appeared to be waging an inner battle before he lifted me off his lap and placed me on the bed beside him. “I will give you what you want, but not until we are at Rawhide.”

“What makes you think I’m going?” I couldn’t keep the pout out of my voice.

“Oh, you’ll go, because we are taking everything that belongs to you with us.”

I crossed my arms. “What do you mean by everything?”

“I mean, this entire room. I have a packing company on their way to pack up your things and deliver them to Rawhide. Now”—he reached out and cupped my chin—“you have no excuse not to come with me. I know it isn’t this apartment you’re attached to, but your personal items. Do you wish to take your bedroom furniture?”

I was in shock. I had to be because no words came out.

“Darlin, you better hustle and pack your suitcase, or that spanking you just had will seem like a love pat compared with what I’ll deliver to your impertinent backside next.”

My cheeks flared with color, but I stood and went to the bathroom to shower and get ready. Two hours later, I stood in the shell of what had once been my bedroom. The movers had even packed all the pictures, framed and even the pinned ones on my wall. It literally was just four walls with an empty closet, dresser, and bed frame.

To anyone else, it probably seemed like overkill to pack up all my belongings to be gone for a week, but to Jacob it was a just matter of fact which was perfect. As I stared at the skeleton of what had been my room, it reminded me of my grandfather’s favorite saying.“Home is where you hang your hat.”I never really knew what that meant until now. Jacob took my bags from me and handed me Bananas.

“See, little girl, nothing to fear.”

And he was right. Yes, I was nervous, but the normal angst I felt at the idea of leaving my home was gone. Jacob shouldered my duffle bag and took a firm grip of my cool hand in his large, warm one, wrapping both around the handle of one of my rolling suitcases. His free hand guided the last suitcase out the door. Maybe it was because he was here with me that the laughing firewasn’t bothering me, hadn’t in fact since he’d walked through my front door.

“Let’s go. It’s time for you to have some fun.”

I grinned up at him, loving that he’d made this happen for me. When the door closed behind me, instead of in front of me for a change, I felt elated and prayed everything would be all right.

Chapter 4


Although my focuswas on getting us out of the airport and on the road home, I couldn’t help sneaking looks out of the corner of my eye at Ronnie, while her focus was elsewhere. Her eyes had been wide from the moment we’d stepped out of her apartment. She’d balked at learning we’d be flying, but seemed to understand when I explained it was over 2,200 miles from New York to Montana and driving would have eaten up almost a full week. She’d also been hesitant in taking Bananas on the plane, but when I assured her he’d probably prefer to ride inside on her lap than to be shut up in the cargo hold of the plane, she’d seemed horrified. It had been sweet to see her pointing out things she saw through the plane’s window as she and Bananas took in the outside world, one she hadn’t been part of for the last few years.

Back when we were teens, I’d always felt that Veronica was a bit of a lost soul and assumed that was why she’d clung so hard to Harmony. Who no doubt in Ronnie’s eyes had seemed to have it all together.

My cousin was great at presenting an image to the outside world, but it was all a lie, or mostly. She’d learned to harness bold extroverted characteristics as protection against an often-cruel world, whereas Ronnie hadn’t learned to hide anything. She was as open as the massive grasslands we passed on our way to Rawhide after landing in Butte.

Seeing her now, with her monkey on her lap, its long arms hanging over her shoulders and pressed between her back and the backrest of her seat, she was the same girl I’d known. It warmed me to note with her wide gaze and pursed apricot lips, she looked the same. I frowned. Except the shifting back and forth in her seat. I didn’t recall her ever doing that before.

“Are you squirming because your backside is sore from the well-deserved spanking you received or because you need to pee?”

Immediately she stopped, turning her wide gaze my way.

“Both. I really need to pee.”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier? You could have gone in the airport. If you don’t start communicating with me, we’ll have to pull over and buy diapers, so you don’t wet the seat.”

I’d meant it as a joke, but the sudden image following my words of Ronnie lying with her legs spread while I diapered her pretty backside caused a visceral reaction. I’d never thought ABDL was my thing, but something about seeing Ronnie in that position… I shook my head and adjusted the sudden hard on which was pressing painfully against the zipper of my jeans.

I didn’t miss the blush that spread up her cheeks. “Maybe one day,” she said absently.
