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“No!” I screamed this time. All reason had fled, and all I saw was red. How dare he play with me the way he had all those other submissives. I wasn’t some nameless, faceless sub in a dungeon who’d agree to play. No, I was me and I wouldn’t stand for this. I wanted a Daddy. I was here to find one and no more games from Jacob.

“Don’t touch me ever again!” I screamed. “I don’t like your games and I won’t be a victim of them anymore. If you want to do that, then go and find a willing partner. I’m here for a Daddy and I won’t accept anything less!”

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realized two things… one, I was acting horribly, and two, I’d shared what I wanted aloud for the very first time. Sure, Harmony and I had discussed it, but I’d never said what I wanted. She just knew me well enough to know what I wanted.

Jacob looked horrified by my words. “Is that what you think, Ronnie? That I’m just playing a game with you? I can assure you that isn’t true, and I apologize for my actions.”

His demeanor did a complete one-eighty. He took my hands and held them gently in his. “I’m very attracted to you, and I want to have you all to myself. When I think of you looking for a Daddy who isn’t me, I see black and want to strangle every potential male threat. My body hasn’t received the memo to calm the hell down. My dick is aching to be inside of you, and I swear is controlling the commands coming out of my mouth.”

Despite the blaze of anger, whose effects were still swirling inside creating a pit in my tummy, I couldn’t hide the smile at his admittance.

“I want to claim you. Spank that pretty bottom and then kiss it better. This is all new to me, Ronnie. I’ve known what Iwanted since I was seventeen years old, but I had an unpleasant experience and it’s been difficult for me to let that go of the memories from that time and trust the process ever since. I want to be a Daddy to you, and that’s a first for me and admittedly a little scary. What I’ve been doing, you could call a test to see if your submissiveness would fit with my particular dominance and that was unfair of me, especially as I never communicated this to you. So, I am sorry for any confusion. But you’re right, you should have a Daddy and believe me, you will before you leave this place because you are so beautiful, inside and out.”

I was in shock, stunned into stillness at his confession.

So many thoughts were flying around in my head, but I only found the words to voice one of those aloud. “Would you tell me about your terrible experience?” I wanted to kick myself with the crestfallen expression on his face. He’d wanted me to reciprocate, or maybe ask him to be my Daddy. But something deep inside told me not to, that his confession was just the beginning of a longer process that might eventually bring us together, or not. We still had a long way to go to see if we were compatible. I couldn’t shake that earlier feeling. I’ve got the power still played in a loop, only this time it didn’t come with that sense of empowerment. This time, it came with a sense of dread.

Chapter 8


Nothing had beenthe same since my confession. I honestly believed she would reciprocate, but she asked me about my past, which I shared with her on the ride over to the Ranch.

I’d mentally kicked myself so many times at what I’d shared in the face of her hurt and indignation. At the time, it had felt like the right thing to say. I’d received a phone call right before we left from Derek. He informed me that since Gray had mentioned Harmony introducing her maid of honor to her Ranch friends, the cafeteria would be a better place to meet.

“Meeting new people might be a bit easier if your girl has a mug of hot chocolate in her hands,” Derek said.

Since I knew of a Little who loved hot cocoa and waffles, I had no problem agreeing to the new location. I hadn’t stopped to consider that there would be a lot of people enjoying breakfast as well. Once in the cafeteria, I had to endure a host of men and women approach and engage Ronnie in conversation. If her goal had been to make me jealous, it sure worked. When Harmony informed me it was time to let her show Ronnie around, I reallycouldn’t argue. It would also keep Ronnie away from any of those men she’d mentioned. I left the reception as angry as a bee in a hornets’ nest. She either didn’t care or didn’t seem to notice.

We were in the arts and crafts room, and I pretended to be busy, but was watching Veronica and the rest of the bridal party making Valentine’s Day cards for the big party coming up. I’d taken over most of her duties for the wedding and, other than ensuring she had everything she needed, was at a loss as to how to interact with her or what to do to fix the situation I’d put us in.

Gray had asked me more than once what was going on, but I’d blown him off. I didn’t share by nature, and my awkwardly timed confession to Ronnie was exactly why I bottled everything up.

The ball was completely in her court now and not only had I not touched her, but the ache also to have her had morphed into something out of my control, which just added to my frustration.

A peal of giggles from across the room grabbed my attention. Sadie, Harmony, and Jillian were looking at what Ronnie was doing, and whatever they saw sent them into another peal of giggles. Then, all four sets of eyes turned my way.

I couldn’t have been more uncomfortable if I’d tried.


Startled, I turned to see Derek, who materialized out of thin air, standing directly beside me. For a large man, he was as silent as a cat. Being of equal height made it hard to hide behind my cool veneer. He had a penetrating gaze that many other residents had commented on—the ability to look right through to the crux of an issue–and was the one he was giving me right now.

“The girls are having fun, it seems.”

I nodded, averting my gaze from his. “That’s what it’s all about, right? Making sure they’re happy?”

Derek nodded sagely for a moment. “No, Jacob, that’s not what it’s all about.”

His words took me by surprise.

“Your job is to see to her needs and provide the right environment for her to grow into herself and be the man who keeps her on course.”

“I think you’ve mistaken me for her Daddy,” I said lightly to hide my reaction to his words that cut deep.

“Have I? Maybe you have mistaken who you are, but I certainly haven’t. I know you’re a bit gun shy, Jacob, but it doesn’t change the fact that Little Veronica is completely in love with you and probably waiting for you to ask her to be yours. Have you asked her, I mean?”

It was on the tip of my tongue to sayof course I did,but when I thought over our last interaction and our time together leading up to that moment, I realized I had never asked her to be mine. In fact, her freak out had been because I was treating her like she was mine, when in fact, I’d never claimed her.
