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It was my turn to nod in agreement with all he’d said. “Harmony said that too, about you, though not in so many words. She also said that when it’s time for me to leave, I would know why packing up all my belongings and bringing them here was important. Because I don’t know why I need them, Daddy, do you?”

His arms wrapped around me. “No, kitten, I don’t, but I believe Harmony is right, you will soon enough, of that I’m certain.”

I snuggled into his warmth and strength and knew one thing for sure, that Jacob was myone.

“I have a confession,” I whispered against his naked chest. When he didn’t say anything, I continued, “I read a few chapters out of those books and grew really horny. I needed to come but I’ve never been able to without help, and my toys were here. I snuck out of the house and took the cart, Daddy, I’m really sorry.” And I was, tears trickled and mingled with his skin.

“I know you’re sorry, baby, and when we are done with the wedding and have time to ourselves, we’ll address all your transgressions and lay down the rules going forward.”

I thought about what he was saying and how it made sense. I hadn’t felt guilty last night at all, but now, sober and in the light of his wonderful calmness, I sure did. It ate at my tummy like tiny monsters of regret.


“Yes, kitten?”

“I feel guilty. Please, make it go away.”

He pulled back and held me at arm’s length. “Do you know what you’re asking for?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

“Good girl. I’m very proud of you, Ronnie.”

Heat speared me but not down in the lower regions of my body this time, but in my heart. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, Ronnie.”

Chapter 12


I took allthe suggestions from the campout and applied them to coffee in bed, but in the end, she chose differently which, I’d been told she would most likely do. I’d heard Derek say, “let the punishment fit the crime” so many times but acknowledged I hadn’t truly understood his meaning until now.

I’d checked the golf cart before making coffee, it was totally fine, not a scratch on it. Holding her accountable for cleaning and paying repairs for any damage she’d caused was what I’d planned. That was no longer a viable solution.

“Veronica, I want you naked and standing in that corner. Ensure your hands are behind your back and your nose is touching the wall. Do I make myself clear?”

She gulped. “Yes, Daddy.”

Ronnie hustled to the corner, stripping her clothes off as she went.


“Yes, Daddy?”

“Come back, please.”

Her body trembled as she took her time returning. “Do you see your clothing on the floor?”


“Do clothes belong on the floor?”


The question in her response was almost comical. I felt for her, I really did. Because we grew up in the same circles, I knew picking up after herself was not part of her modus operandi. She would learn discipline and rules.

“Bend over and pick them up, fold them nicely, and place them inside the closet.”

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