Page 11 of My Rise

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I have a meeting with Marlena Voss, but she clearly thinks I’m too young and inexperienced to do much of anything. Her dismissive attitude doesn’t bother me.

Whisper also mentioned the Eclipse Society and its leader Damian Blackthorn, but all he seems interested in is seeing if I’ll take off my clothes. Once I make it clear that is not going to happen, he loses interest, picks up his phone, and waves me away without another word.

As the days unfold, each discreet inquiry and observation contributes to the mosaic of intelligence, offering a nuanced understanding of the choices individuals make in the aftermath of the Shadow Syndicate's downfall. The shadows conceal as much as they reveal, and navigating this intricate web requires finesse, strategic thinking, and a keen awareness of the ever-shifting currents within the criminal underworld.

Although I first thought I would leave my brother to his efforts for a week before meeting up again, so much has happened already that I ask him to join me at my house. He arrives quickly, and we settle on opposite ends of my couch.

"What have you uncovered?" I ask eagerly.

Dominic, ever composed, provides details on individuals within the crumbling mafia who are opting to leave California, seeking better fortunes elsewhere. Some are leaving due to fear of Nadia or others ratting them out. Others are moving because of opportunism or a desire for a clean slate.

I suppose I can understand wanting a clean slate. It’s why I’m being very careful about whom I invite back on board with my own plans.

"There's a rising figure who goes by the name of Viktor Zolnerov," Dominic states, emphasizing the significance of this player in the unfolding drama.

“What is he up to?”

“He’s strategic moves to consolidate power. He’s definitely one to watch. His methods are ruthless, and he's successfully leveraging the chaos to bolster his standing within the criminal underworld.”

“I see,” I murmur.

Some are opting for a more legitimate path," Dominic says.

“For real or…”

He smirks. “You can’t change spots to stripes overnight.”

I nod, having figured that was the case. These ventures are merely going to serve as a facade for more clandestine activities, a layer of cover within the legitimate business world.

“Others are clinging to the shadows, not knowing anything else,” he adds.

“Which particular shadows?”

“Smuggling. Extortion.”

I figured as much. The collapse of the Shadow Syndicate has given birth to a new breed of entrepreneurs, navigating the gray areas between legality and the underworld.

"What about Alex Schroeder and Xavier Davis?" I inquire, curious about Dominic's perspective on involving them in our plans.

Dominic pauses. "They've been significant players, Vanessa. With the Shadow Syndicate gone, we need allies we can trust. Both Alex and Xavier have proven themselves in the past, and they have the experience and the skills we need. Having them on our side could strengthen our position. Aligning with them could be a strategic move to solidify our position in this new era"

His perspective is pragmatic, rooted in the understanding that alliances must be forged strategically in this volatile landscape. I contemplate his words, weighing the potential benefits of bringing Alex and Xavier into the fold against the risks inherent in involving individuals with complex histories.

After a moment of reflection, I nod. "You're right. We need reliable allies now more than ever. I will handle Alex and Xavier. You find more allies.”

“And watch any potential enemies or threats.”

“Always.” I beam at him. “It's time to solidify our position in this new era."

As the plan takes shape, the shadows in the room seem to recede, replaced by a sense of purpose and strategic intent. The decision to involve Alex and Xavier sets the stage for a new chapter in the intricate dance of power and alliances within the criminal underworld.

So long as that stage doesn’t involve taking one or the other of them to bed…


Iwaste no time in contacting Alex and arranging to see him that very night. The meeting is set against the backdrop of a city in transition, still reeling from the aftermath of the Shadow Syndicate's fall. I chose a different café this time, one I’m certain has no bugs and few cameras. The hum of conversations from the few other patrons will provide a subtle veil of privacy.

When Alex arrives, I smile to myself. He’s as preppy as ever, almost looking too boyish to be involved in something so dark. He’s loyal to a fault, almost like a puppy dog or a teddy bear, and I know I’ll never have to worry about him turning against me.
