Page 13 of My Rise

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"Our backup needs to be a force to be reckoned with," I continue, contemplating the individuals who could stand by our side in the face of adversity. "People who understand the intricacies of our world, who've proven themselves in the crucible of the criminal underworld."

Alex leans back, his gaze fixed on a point beyond the cafe walls, contemplating the possibilities. "I have a few contacts,"he suggests. "Individuals who have a reputation for loyalty and competence. We'll need to approach this cautiously, ensuring our alliance remains discreet and resilient."

"I'm not willing to compromise on the terms," I emphasize, my determination unwavering. "Our backup should share our goals, and the alliance must be built on mutual trust. If we're going to navigate these dangerous alliances, we need a united front."


"You know," I say slowly, "there's someone I'm considering as part of our backup. Xavier Davis. He's been a reliable ally in the past, and his skills could prove invaluable in navigating the dangerous alliances within the crumbling mafia."

Alex’s gaze remains steady, devoid of any immediate reaction. I observe closely, wondering if the mention of Xavier's name will elicit a negative response similar to Xavier's reaction to Alex.

"Xavier Davis," he repeats, a hint of contemplation in his eyes. "I've heard of him. If he's proven himself to you, I'm willing to consider him for our backup. Loyalty and capability are the factors that matter most."

His response is measured and devoid of any hint of jealousy. It seems Alex understands the pragmatic necessity of assembling a reliable team in our venture to navigate the dangerous alliances within the crumbling mafia.

Relieved by Alex's measured response, I nod and even smile. "Agreed. Xavier has proven himself in challenging situations, and his loyalty could be an asset. We need a united front to navigate the dangerous alliances ahead."

With the decision made to seek alliances and Xavier Davis's watchful presence in the background, Alex and I set the wheels in motion to reach out to the first potential ally within the complex web of the crumbling mafia.

Carefully selecting our first contact is crucial, considering the delicate balance of power and trust within the criminal underworld. We identify a figure with a reputation for reliability and discretion, someone whose interests align with our goals in this post-Shadow Syndicate era.

The ally we settle on meeting first is Elena "Silhouette" Morales, a name earned due to her ability to operate in the shadows, leaving only a subtle, enigmatic outline of her presence. Much like a silhouette against the dim glow of city lights, she maneuvers through the criminal underworld with a quiet and elusive grace. Silhouette embodies the essence of discretion, seamlessly blending into the background while casting a watchful silhouette over the intricate dealings and secrets of the underworld. She is a seasoned information broker, known for her extensive network of informants and her knack for navigating the intricate web of the criminal underworld.

It's an easy decision, honestly, given her reputation for discretion and her unparalleled access to information. In the aftermath of the Shadow Syndicate's fall, the need for a reliable source of intelligence becomes paramount. Silhouette’s ability to navigate the shadows and unearth crucial details will make her an invaluable ally in our quest to understand the shifting dynamics of the criminal underworld.

Of course, that’s if any of the other players vying for the top haven’t poached her first…

Our decision to approach Silhouette is driven by a combination of factors—her reputation for loyalty, her intricate understanding of the criminal landscape, and the need for a trusted confidante who can help us navigate the dangerous alliances emerging in the wake of the Shadow Syndicate's demise. As an information broker, Silhouette is poised to provide insights that could prove pivotal in our strategicendeavors, making her an essential ally in our quest for power and stability in the post-Shadow Syndicate era.

“I’ll set up the meeting,” I tell Alex.

“And reach out to Xavier?”

I nod and hand Alex a phone from my purse. “I’ll feel better if I can contact you on this.”

“My cell?—”

“I’m sure it’s safe, but…”

“You can never be too careful. If it eases your mind, I’ll take it.”

“Thank you.”

He grins. “Thank you, Vanessa.”

The waitress brings over the pie and tries to flirt some more, but when she finally realizes there’s nothing there, she catches my eye and mouths, “Lucky.”

She has no idea just how right she is.

Meeting with Xavier is easy enough. I text him to see where he is, and I almost laugh when he replies The Velvet Vibe.

Buy me a drink,I text him.

So long as round two is on you.

I smirk to myself. If he’s hoping a few drinks will end with our lips locked, he’s going to end the night with a cold shower.

"Xavier," I murmur, sliding onto the barstool next to him.
