Page 15 of My Rise

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I smile slightly. “Thank you for trusting Alex.”

He snorts. “I never said I trusted him.”


Naturally, Dominic does agree with me, and two nights later, everything is arranged, and the cool air is thick with a sense of anticipation as Alex and I make our way to the discreet meeting location—the Black Ephemera. It's a dimly lit bar tucked away in a forgotten corner of the city, where the pulsating beat of music provides a muffled backdrop to clandestine conversations. Xavier already alerted me, assuring me that he’s inside. I feel better knowing that he’s a guardian of sorts over my endeavor.

Approaching The Black Ephemera, one could easily mistake it for just another forgotten storefront. Its facade is unremarkable, adorned with weathered brick and a fading sign that barely hints at its existence. A single dimly lit bulb flickers above the entrance, casting a sporadic glow on the nondescript door. There are no flashy neon signs or visible markers, ensuring that only those with a purpose would find their way to its concealed embrace.

Stepping inside, the atmosphere undergoes a transformation. The low hum of conversations blends with the sultry notes of jazz that emanate from a corner stage. The lighting is deliberately subdued, casting a mysterious aura overthe patrons huddled in intimate booths or perched on worn barstools.

Dark mahogany dominates the interior, from the intricately carved bar counter to the plush upholstery of the booths. The air carries a faint scent of aged wood and a hint of cigar smoke, adding to the clandestine ambiance. Small, strategically placed lamps cast pools of golden light, creating pockets of shadow where secrets could be exchanged.

The bar itself is a relic of another era, its polished surface reflecting the glow of vintage liquor bottles displayed like trophies. The bartender, a stoic figure with a shaved head and a multitude of tattoos, moves with quiet efficiency, blending into the background.

In one corner, a stage hosts a jazz trio, their melodies weaving through the conversations like a comforting undercurrent. The patrons, a mix of individuals cloaked in anonymity, engage in hushed exchanges, their faces half-concealed by the dim light.

Booths with high-backed leather seats line the walls, providing secluded alcoves for discreet conversations. Each booth is equipped with an old-fashioned rotary phone, a nod to a bygone era when secrets were spoken through coiled cords.

The Black Ephemera's allure lies in its ability to fade into the background of the city's bustling nightlife, a haven where alliances are forged and secrets shared in the cloak of shadows. Its unassuming exterior belies the clandestine sophistication that awaits within, making it the perfect backdrop for the delicate dance of alliances within the unpredictable world of the post-Shadow Syndicate criminal landscape.

All of the booths are secluded, and we’re suited and settled within minutes. As discreetly as possible, I scan our surroundings. I don’t see Xavier, which I try to tell myself is agood thing because that means Silhouette won’t easily discern him either.

And then she appears before us, Silhouette, almost as if she’s a ghost. Her dark, wavy hair cascades in loose waves around her shoulders, framing a heart-shaped face. The sharp angles of her features hint at a resilience forged through the challenges of her clandestine profession. Her piercing green eyes, always observant, seem to hold a depth of knowledge that transcends spoken words. Dressed in an understated yet impeccably tailored ensemble, she exudes an aura of quiet authority.

"Silhouette," I say. "Thanks for meeting with us."

A faint smile graces her lips as she takes a seat, her presence commanding attention without uttering a word. " Vanessa. Alex." She nods to each of us in turn.

“I’m so glad you were willing to meet with me…”

The way she’s eyeing me doesn’t make me uncomfortable even though she’s clearly sizing me up. I have no doubt that she did a background check on me, but she wouldn’t have found much. Yes, I helped Xavier and Alex before on various assignments for the Shadow Syndicate, but their names were the ones somewhat public. Honestly, I don’t think Nadia and the others ever gave Dominic or me much credit, maybe because we basically raised ourselves, but we learned and adapted and can play any of their games.

More so than anyone ever knew or realized or recognized.

Either of us could have been a much greater asset to the mafia.

We were never offered.

True, we never volunteered either, but I think I always had hopes that tomorrow would be better for the both of us.

I never met with Silhouette before. I only ever saw her from a distance. I’ve known about her for ages, but even if she knew about me, she never would have truly learned about the real me.

Slowly, she nods. "I hear the Shadow Syndicate's fall has opened up new avenues," she remarks, her voice a low murmur that blends seamlessly with the ambient jazz.

“Only natural,” I murmur. “With the fall of an empire?—”

She snorts. “It was never an empire.”

I merely smile at her. “Agreed.”

And I do believe that. The Shadow Syndicate could’ve been so much more.

And what I have planned? It most certainly will become an empire one day.

I nod to Alex.

He takes the lead in outlining the purpose of our meeting. "We need reliable intelligence, Silhouette. The landscape is shifting, and we want to stay ahead of the game. Any insights you can provide would be invaluable."
