Page 37 of My Rise

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“Starting small is smart,” Xavier says.

“Yes, but there isn’t a reason not to look ahead to future opportunities,” Jesse counters.

“Of course, but let’s focus on the upstart,” I say. "Autonomy within a framework, security that rivals shadows, and a clear vision—we'll be a force to be reckoned with. Our alliances will be strategic, our movements calculated. We carve our own path, leaving an indelible mark on the underworld."

The air thickens with the resonance of shared ambitions, and the cabin walls absorb the whispered plans of a new mafia taking shape. Each detail becomes a brushstroke in the canvas of this clandestine venture, and the three men, Alex, Xavier, and Jesse, become integral players in the unfolding saga of the post-Shadow Syndicate world.

The room, dimly lit to enhance the veil of secrecy, becomes a haven for collaboration and shared ambition. Jesse's dominating presence injects a sense of authority into the proceedings, while Alex's sweetness and Xavier's overt possessiveness create a dynamic interplay of personalities.

“What about drugs?” Xavier asks.

I hesitate. I’ve considered it. After all, I don’t think it would be too hard to take over the drug trafficking ring from the Shadow Syndicate. Changes would need to be made, of course. Different distributors, for starters, because we couldn’t just do the same old, same old. The police will be looking for that, but if we bid our time and change our tactics…

“For now, let’s focus on the gambling,” I say. “That and the cybercrime. Poke at the global black market.”

We lay out our first steps. For the underground casinos and the betting rings, we’ll establish a network of clandestine gambling establishments in key locations. These underground casinos will operate discreetly, offering a variety of games of chance, poker tournaments, and high-stakes betting rings. The emphasis is on exclusivity and secrecy, attracting both the elite and those seeking the thrill of the forbidden. We’ll leverage our connections to ensure the protection and discretion of these operations and employ skilled dealers, security personnel, and discreet management to maintain the clandestine nature of the establishments. The profits from these ventures will not only contribute to the financial strength of my mafia but also serve as hubs for strategic meetings, ensuring the flow of information and alliances within the criminal underworld.

As for the legitimate casino for money laundering, I’ll establish a legitimate casino that operates within the bounds of the law. This front will allow me to launder money seamlessly, using the casino's legitimate revenue streams to camouflage the illicit gains generated from other criminal enterprises. I’ll implement sophisticated accounting practices to blend illegal funds with the casino's legal income, making it challenging for authorities to trace the origins of the wealth. I’ll develop connections with financial experts who specialize in laundering operations.

The legitimate casino will act as a shield, deflecting suspicion while facilitating the integration of illicit funds into the broader economy. It’ll become a powerful tool for money laundering and a strategic asset for the syndicate's financial operations.

Through this dual approach, I aim to create a symbiotic relationship between the shadowy world of underground gambling and the polished façade of a legitimate casino. The combination not only amplifies my financial strength but also provides a cover that allows my mafia to maneuver within the criminal underworld and beyond, all while leaving the authorities oblivious to the true extent of my influence.


Irub my hands together. It’s time for the real nitty-gritty.

"Gentlemen, the success of my mafia relies on each of you playing a pivotal role.”

“Do we have a name yet?” Alex asks.

I grin. “Yes, actually.” I pause and glance at them each in turn. “Penumbra Legion.”

“Mysterious,” Alex says.

“I approve,” Jesse murmurs.

“I like it.” Xavier nods.

“Good. Now that that’s settled… Alex…”


I grin at him. I’ve never felt more certain of my vision for his role in all of this—the task of overseeing the security measures for all operations. His caring nature and attention to detail will make him well-suited for the role of Head of Security.

“I'm entrusting you with the security and intelligence domain. Your attention to detail will ensure our operations remain discreet and secure."

Alex nods firmly, but his eyes sparkle. "I appreciate the trust, Vanessa. I'll make sure every aspect of our security is top-notch. From personnel protection to gathering intel, consider it done."

“I trust you to utilize your skills in gathering intelligence and maintaining a network of informants to stay ahead of potential threats,” I say.

Xavier blinks a few times. I’m sure he’s wondering if Alex is too young for something so bold, but I’ll address him next.

“You’ll also ensure the safety of everyone, secure the secrecy of underground operations, and establish protocols for handling issues that arise in the casinos.”

“Understood.” He looks so very eager that I have to smile.

Turning my attention to Xavier, I know how to utilize his precision and organizational prowess.
