Page 44 of My Rise

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"Vanessa, we can't ignore the potential benefits either,” Dominic argues. “Kovac has connections and influence. If we can sway him to our side, it could tip the scales in our favor."

The tension in the room becomes palpable, each word contributing to the delicate balance between caution and opportunity. Dominic's apprehension reflects the wariness of someone who has navigated the shadows for years, understanding the fragility of alliances. On the other hand, Alex's optimism hints at the potential advantages that aligning with Kovac might bring.

“Alex, I value your caution. Dominic, I appreciate your optimism. We can't make a decision lightly. Let's weigh the risks and benefits. If Kovac can be an asset, we need to tread carefully. If not, we cut ties before he becomes a liability."

The room becomes a stage for the clash of perspectives, where trust, skepticism, and the complexities of alliances converge. The name Adrian Kovac hovers in the air, a symbol of the choices that will shape the future of the emerging mafia and the intricate dance that defines their existence in the shadows.

I rub my chin. “Dominic, you're still inclined to consider him an asset, correct?"

He nods. "Vanessa, he's got connections, resources. Bringing him in could give us an edge and strengthen our foundation."

Alex looks skeptical. "Dominic, you're overlooking the rumors and the risks. Kovac's reputation precedes him. We can't afford to introduce an element of uncertainty into our operations."

"Silhouette expressed a similar sentiment, Dominic. She saw potential in Kovac. Alex, what's your counterargument?"

"Vanessa, trust is our most valuable currency in this world,” Alex says firmly. “Kovac's history is clouded in ambiguity and suspicion. We can't afford to extend our trust to someone with such a dubious track record."

“Do you have concrete evidence?” Dominic demands.

“No,” Alex admits.

“Why are you suspicious of him?” I ask, wanting clarity.

“Fragmented intel and whispers in the darkness.” Dominic rolls his eyes.

“So you knew about all of that and still gave his name to Vanessa?” Alex shakes his head. “Those whispers might not be unfounded. There’s talk of clandestine meetings, ambiguous allegiances, and a propensity for playing both sides of the field…”

“What if Adrian himself is behind those whispers so that he can control who he ends up working for?” Dominic suggests.

I slowly shake my head. I can tell that my brother wants my support, and Alex is my Head of Security, so he’s banking on that for me to agree with him. If Alex thinks that our sleeping together means I’ll do whatever he suggests, he should think again.

That Silhouette also suggested Adrian makes me lean toward my brother, but right now, any question marks turn into exclamation marks, a mark of wariness and potential danger.

In the end, I make my decision.

"Let's hold off on Adrian for now. I agree with Alex on this one. We can't afford unnecessary risks. However, Alex, proceed with the others. Bring them into the fold. Strengthen our foundation where we can."

Alex nods. “I’ll go do that.”

He leaves immediately.

Dominic eyes me. “I know you trust Alex…”

“Don’t worry,” I assure him. “I do trust you. I trust you more than anyone else. You’re my right-hand man. Your instincts and connections are invaluable. I trust you to navigate the intricacies of this world in ways no one else can."

Some of the resentment fades, and he even smiles. “Always you and me.”

“Yes, always.”

“Just tell me what needs to be done."

“The builders have started construction for the legit casino, but the undergrown ones…” I grin. “We need dealers…”


In between trying to set up the first underground casino, I start to make moves to solidify my position and test the loyalty of my newfound allies. To that end, I orchestrate a series of strategic moves within the intricate web of the criminal underworld. The shadows become my canvas, and each calculated action is a brushstroke, painting a portrait of dominance, trust, and the unyielding pursuit of control.

I leverage the alliances formed with Alex, Xavier, and Jesse, weaving a narrative of unity and shared goals. By strategically aligning with figures who embody different facets of power and influence, I create a formidable front that commands respect within the criminal circles.
