Page 69 of My Rise

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Jesse sucks in a breath. “Fine,” he says, his voice raspy.

We’re the last two to leave, for good reason, but even as we’re intimate, I can’t help but reflect on how the alliance with Detective Raymond, a dance on the edge of danger, introduces a new layer of complexity. As The Black Lotus breathes its last whispers of the night, the looming gala becomes the next stage for our intricate maneuvers in the clandestine world we navigate.


For the high-stakes event at the police gala, I chose a dress that seamlessly merges sophistication with an edge of mystery. The floor-length gown, sleek and form-fitting, drapes over my figure like a cascade of midnight silk. Its deep, velvety black hue absorbs the ambient light, giving it an otherworldly allure.

The dress features a daringly low back, revealing just enough skin to be alluring without compromising the air of elegance. The fabric is adorned with subtle, intricate patterns that catch the light in a play of shadows.

A neckline, a delicate balance between modesty and allure, frames my collarbones and grazes my décolletage, complementing the subtle embellishments of the dress and drawing attention without being overt. As I move, the gown whispers a symphony of whispers, commanding attention with every step. Completing the ensemble, I've chosen a pair of stiletto heels that add a hint of fierceness to the ensemble.

The overall effect is a commanding presence, an embodiment of strength and grace, perfectly suited for the clandestine dance at the police gala. As I prepare to step into the labyrinth of alliances and deceptions, the dress becomes a silentproclamation of my intent—to navigate the shadows with poise and determination.

As I approach the entrance of the opulent venue, the imposing bouncer scrutinizes my invitation with a practiced eye. The elegant cardstock, adorned with the official insignia of the police gala, is presented with a confident yet understated grace. The bouncer, a stern-faced figure, takes a moment to examine the details, his gaze moving methodically over the embossed lettering and intricate design.

After a pregnant pause, during which the weight of my purpose seems to hang in the air, the bouncer's demeanor softens imperceptibly. Satisfied that my invitation is genuine, he nods, granting me access to the glittering world beyond.

The ornate doors swing open, revealing the grandeur within. I step into the heart of the gala, the rhythmic beats of anticipation pulsating in the air. The clandestine dance begins, and I move forward with purpose, a shadow weaving through the tapestry of the night, ready to play the game of power and intrigue.

The police gala unfolds in a lavish ballroom, draped in opulence and adorned with sparkling chandeliers that cast a soft, ambient glow across the room. The air is filled with a symphony of hushed conversations, laughter, and the occasional clink of crystal against crystal. Guests, dressed in their most refined attire, create a tableau of elegance and sophistication.

Round tables draped in white silk are scattered across the expansive floor, each adorned with intricate floral arrangements and silver candelabras. The tables serve as gathering points for the city's elite, who engage in animated discussions, their faces adorned with enigmatic smiles that conceal the intricate webs of alliances and rivalries beneath.

The dance floor beckons to couples swaying to the melodies of a live orchestra, the music reverberating with the grace of awaltz. In a far corner, a bar offers a selection of top-shelf liquors, where attendees indulge in the finest spirits.

The walls are adorned with the insignia of law enforcement, creating an ironic backdrop to the subtle undercurrent of corruption that flows beneath the veneer of honor and duty. At the heart of the gala, a dais is set up, where speeches and awards are anticipated, and where the currents of power subtly shift in unseen directions.

As I navigate this sophisticated gala, I become a silent observer, threading through the intricate dance of deceit and alliances, keenly aware that every move is a step in the delicate choreography of my own ascent to power.

Amidst the polished veneer of the police gala, I engage in discreet conversations with the wives of police officers, my small talk veiling a vigilant observance of the attendees. The elegant atmosphere conceals the clandestine nature of my intentions as I subtly scan the room for the detective, Raymond.

The wives chatter about the minutiae of their lives, their words a symphony of trivialities that serves as a cover for my watchful eyes. Occasionally, I catch glimpses of uniformed officers mingling, their medals glinting in the soft glow of the chandeliers. The dance floor pulses with the rhythm of graceful movements, an illusion of normalcy masking the intrigue that festers beneath the surface.

I sip champagne, my eyes flitting from one conversation to another, searching for the telltale signs of Detective Raymond's presence. In the elegant crowd, faces become a blur, their masks concealing motives and secrets. Every smile, every exchange of pleasantries, is a piece of the puzzle I am determined to decipher.

As the night unfolds, I remain poised, a poised figure weaving through the tapestry of the gala, my awarenessheightened, awaiting the moment when the detective will reveal himself in this elaborate dance of deception.

“Excuse me, but are you Vanessa Baxter?”

I turn around to see Mayor John Washington giving me a genial smile as he approaches me amidst the sophisticated ambiance of the police gala. His presence adds a layer of political charm to the event, creating an air of authority that permeates the room. Dylan stands nearby, feigning ignorance of our connection, playing his part in this delicate dance.

“Yes, I am,” I say, returning his smile. “It is wonderful to see you here, Mayor Washington. I’m curious. How do you know my name?”

“I’ve heard about your establishment. The Black Lotus, I believe.”

My eyes widen. For him to have heard about it speaks volumes.

“I would love for you to come by one time,” I say. “It’s quite fun. You have to know the code phrase, though, or else the bouncer won’t let you in.”

“Not even my being the mayor?” He laughs.

I smile coyly. “There’s fun to be had in keeping an exclusive list for my clientele. You can’t let just anyone in.”

“Why not? One’s money is as good as any others.”

“Which is why I have another casino in the works,” I assure him.

“I suppose I can give you the code phrase but only if you think you’ll come by.”
