Page 72 of My Rise

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Back within the sanctuary of my own space, the ambiance changes. The quiet hum of strategic contemplation takes over, setting the stage for the next act in the intricate play for power. The night may have ended, but the dance of shadows persists, and I, Vanessa, remain its unyielding choreographer.

The next day, I order Ivy DeLuca to come for a meeting. The door to my office opens, and Ivy DeLuca steps inside, anenigmatic figure whose skills with forgery and manipulation are both a valuable asset and a potential liability. The air in the room shifts, carrying an undertone of tension as I address the rumors surrounding her allegiance.

"Ivy," I begin, my tone measured and direct, "there have been new whispers of your involvement as a double agent. What's the truth behind these rumors?"

Her gaze meets mine, a subtle play of emotions dancing in her eyes. "Vanessa, I assure you," she responds, her voice steady, "I remain loyal to our cause. Any rumors suggesting otherwise are baseless."

I lean back, studying her reactions. "I need more than assurances, Ivy. If there's even a hint of betrayal, the consequences could be severe."

She nods. "I'm aware, Vanessa. My loyalty lies with you and the empire we're building. I'll do whatever it takes to prove it. I’m only trying to gain you intel on Viktor. That’s all."

I narrow my eyes, scrutinizing Ivy's every expression for any hint of deception. "Intel on Viktor is valuable, Ivy, but vague promises won't be enough. If you're truly working for our cause, I need concrete information, actionable insights that can help us dismantle his influence."

She fidgets slightly, a subtle sign of discomfort. "Vanessa, you know how Viktor operates. He's a master at keeping his plans under wraps. I'm doing my best to infiltrate his circles and extract valuable information. It takes time."

Time—the elusive currency that I find myself constantly short of in this clandestine world.

I sigh, acknowledging the challenges we face. "I understand the complexity of the task, Ivy, however, you need to tell me even a whisper of his plans.”

I wait.

She says nothing and won’t even look at me.

“What happened to not letting me down?” I lean back in my chair, studying Ivy with a mix of skepticism and caution. In the shadows where alliances are fragile, actions speak louder than words. "Prove it, Ivy. The stakes are higher than ever, and we can't afford any missteps. You have nothing to say? Nothing at all?"

She swallows hard. “I… I need…”

“A casino. Arms trafficking. Drugs. Anything. What is his plan? What angle is he vying for?”

Ivy’s mouth hangs open, but she says nothing.

She’s chosen her side, and it isn’t mine.

I sit stoically, my expression betraying neither sympathy nor remorse. "Ivy," I say evenly, "I gave you an opportunity to prove your loyalty. Instead, you chose deception and betrayal. Loyalty is a two-way street. If you're playing a dangerous game, risking everything for Viktor, you leave me no choice."

“No choice?”

I lift my chin. “What matters to me is loyalty, and right now, you've aligned yourself with Viktor. That's a risk I can't afford."

Panic flickers in her eyes. “W-What are you going to do?" she stammers.

I lean forward, my voice a low, measured tone. "I have enough evidence to ruin your life, Ivy. Your husband deserves to know the truth. If you want any chance at salvaging what's left, you'll cooperate. Tell me everything you know about Viktor's plans, or I'll ensure your double life unravels in the most public way possible."

“The affair? It’s over,” she says in a rush.

A liar to the end, I see.

I open the envelope on my desk and remove the photos that I toss toward her. Two nights ago, she was with her lover.

"I don't take betrayal lightly, Ivy. Your actions jeopardize not only yourself but the entire operation."

She breaks down, her facade crumbling under the weight of guilt and fear. "Vanessa, please. I love two men, and I can't bear to lose either. Jackson and my husband, they mean everything to me."

My voice remains steady, my resolve unwavering. "Your personal struggles can't compromise the safety of our operation. I've given you a chance to choose, Ivy, and it seems you've made your decision."

As Ivy weeps, torn between conflicting emotions, I contemplate the price of loyalty and the sacrifices demanded by the clandestine world I've embraced.

“You don’t… I’m torn between… You don't understand the position I'm in!"
