Page 83 of My Rise

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Xavier's eyes narrow, and his frustration transforms into a firm resolve. "Vanessa, survival shouldn't come at the cost of our connection. We've been through too much together. I can't accept the idea of sharing you, not in this dangerous game we're playing."

I reach out, placing a hand on his, attempting to convey reassurance. "Xavier, I understand your concerns. But this isn't about replacing anyone. It's about strengthening our position. We've faced countless challenges, and I've always valued your loyalty. I'm not asking you to accept everything, just to trust that my decisions are for the benefit of us all."

He studies my face, searching for sincerity in my eyes. "I can't promise blind trust, Vanessa. But I need to know that our bond is a priority, not just a convenient alliance."

I nod, acknowledging the gravity of his feelings. "It is a priority, Xavier. Our connection is the foundation on which everything else is built. I won't let it crumble, but we need to be strategic and make choices that will ensure our safety."

His gaze softens, a hint of vulnerability breaking through his stoic exterior. "I've always been protective of you, Vanessa. It's not something I can just turn off."

"I don't want you to," I say gently. "Your protectiveness has been a strength for us. We need to find a balance and navigate this world together. Can you trust me to make the right decisions, even if they involve others?"

Xavier sighs, a mixture of reluctance and understanding in his eyes. "I'll try, Vanessa, but you need to keep me in the loop, let me be part of the decisions that affect us."

"I promise," I assure him, squeezing his hand. "We're in this together, Xavier. We'll face whatever comes our way, and we'll do it as a united front."

As the tension eases, a fragile truce settles over us. The challenges ahead are formidable, but with understanding and trust, we might navigate the intricate web of alliances and threats that define our perilous world. The shadows may linger, but for now, there is a glimmer of hope in the unity we strive to preserve.

Shortly before The Black Lotus opens for business that night, my phone rings. I don’t recognize the number.

“Hello?” I ask, curiosity and caution stirring within me.


“Yes,” I say slowly. The voice is familiar, but I can’t quite place it.

“It’s Mayor Washington.”

“Ah, yes. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask.

"I heard about the attack on your casino, Fortune Oasis," he says, his voice carrying a mix of concern and formality.

I maintain a composed demeanor. "Yes, unfortunately, it seems we've become the target of some unsavory elements."

"I want you to know that the police are taking this very seriously. We'll do everything in our power to find those responsible and bring them to justice," he assures me.

I nod, even though he can't see it through the phone. "I appreciate that, Mayor. Security and justice are paramount in ensuring the safety of our city."

"We can't let criminal elements disrupt the peace and progress we've worked hard to achieve," he adds, the underlying message clear.


"You have my full support, Vanessa. We'll work closely with law enforcement to ensure justice is served," he says. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support law-abiding citizens and businesses."

"Thank you, Mayor. I'll keep that in mind," I reply, signaling the end of the conversation.

As I hang up, a lingering sense of ambiguity surrounds the mayor's call. Is it genuine concern for a law-abiding citizen, or is there more to his interest in the aftermath of the attack? The complex dance of alliances and motives continues, and I'm left contemplating the implications of this unexpected communication.

As I mull over the conversation, Alex enters my alcove. "Is everything all right?”

“The mayor just called. He heard about the attack on Fortune Oasis. He assured me that the police will investigate."

Alex narrows his eyes, a hint of skepticism in his expression. "Do you trust him? This could be a play to gain control over your operations."

I lean back in my chair, fingers tapping rhythmically on the polished surface. "I don't fully trust anyone in this game, Alex, but for now, having the police look into it might help us uncover who's really behind the attack."

He nods, still wary. "Just be careful, Vanessa. The mayor might have his own agenda, and getting involved with the police could expose us in ways we can't predict."

I appreciate Alex's caution, his watchful eyes a testament to his commitment to my safety. "I'll tread carefully. We can't afford any missteps in this delicate dance."
