Page 85 of My Rise

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I wait for the waitress to fill Sophia’s cup and to top off mine and then for the waitress to wander over to another table to get straight to the point, cutting through the layers of distrust and uncertainty.

"Sophia," I say, keeping my tone steady, "we need to talk. The Eclipse Society is making moves, and I can't afford to be in the dark about their plans."

She regards me with a mix of skepticism and defiance. "Why should I share anything with you? You declined my offer, remember?"

I take a deep breath. "Our interests align, at least for now. If we don't join forces, we both risk losing everything. I can't let that happen."

Sophia leans back in her chair, studying me intently. "What guarantee do I have that you won't stab me in the back?"

I meet her gaze squarely. "My word. I may not be a saint, but I stand by my promises. If we're going to face this threat together, we need to trust each other to some extent."

She remains silent for a moment, weighing the options. Finally, she nods. "Fine, but I won't reveal everything unless I see a genuine commitment from you."

"I can live with that," I reply, relieved that she's willing to cooperate, at least to some degree. “Here.”

I hand over a packet, sharing the gathered information about Damian Blackthorn with Sophia, hoping that she will take theinitiative to confront the leader of the Eclipse Society. This subtle maneuver serves a dual purpose. Not only does it provide her with valuable intel, but it also subtly manipulates her into taking action on my behalf.

She looks up, her expression a mix of contemplation and acceptance. "If Damian is behind all this… If he orchestrated the attack on Pint Palace and Fortune Oasis, he won't stop there," Sophia acknowledges, her voice edged with a sense of urgency. "But I won't be your pawn. If I decide to go after him, it's on my terms."

I lean back, accepting her terms with a nod. "Fair enough. Just remember, the Eclipse Society is a growing threat, and we both need to be vigilant."

She smirks, a gesture that conveys a mix of confidence and defiance. "I'm always vigilant. You should be too." Her hand falls onto the packet, and her eyes narrow. "This is dangerous information, Vanessa. If it falls into the wrong hands..."

"It won't," I assure her, my expression unwavering. "Consider it a gesture of goodwill.”

Sophia smirks, a glimmer of her former self returning. "Let's not get sentimental."


Sophia leaves, taking with her the information that could potentially unravel Damian Blackthorn and the Eclipse Society.

As the door closes behind her, I'm left to contemplate the fragility of the situation. The brewing storm between criminal enterprises threatens to consume everything in its path, and I find myself caught in the eye of the hurricane. The choices I make in the coming days will shape the destiny of The Black Lotus and Fortune Oasis, and I must navigate the dangerous waters ahead with cunning and precision.

But if Sophia will handle Damien for me, I might not have to get my hands dirty at all.

Nothing and no one will stop my rise.

I head to The Black Lotus. Everyone here seems happy despite mostly losing money, and the drinks are flowing. I charge less than most bars for the drinks because the alcohol isn’t how I’m making money. The more people drink, the more they’ll spend. The more they spend, the more I take.

It’s that simple.

I mingle a bit, smiling and talking with the patrons more than I normally do before I head over to my alcove. I’ve sat all of two minutes before my brother joins me.

"Vanessa," he says with a calm smile, "heard about your exchange with Sophia. Clever move."

I take a seat across from him, leaning back in the chair. "It was necessary. We need allies, and she needs a reason to go after the Eclipse Society."

Dominic leans forward, his fingers steepled in front of him. "You're playing a dangerous game, Vanessa. Sophia is unpredictable, and aligning with her might come with its own set of challenges."

I meet his gaze with a steely resolve. "I know. I’m not aligned with her, and I hope I’ll never have to be. Right now, we can't afford to be entirely passive, hence the meeting and the nudge. The Eclipse Society poses a threat to everything we've built, and we need to dismantle them before they grow stronger."

He leans back, appraising me with a thoughtful expression. "You've come a long way since the Shadow Syndicate days. Making calculated moves, building alliances… It's impressive."

I offer a wry smile. "Survival demands adaptation. We can't afford to let sentimentality or past grudges cloud our judgment."

Dominic nods in agreement. "True, and your ability to navigate this intricate web of alliances and betrayals is commendable.”

"I'm well aware that trust is fragile," I say, a hint of weariness in my voice, "but sometimes, you have to dance on the edge to stay ahead."
