Page 14 of Embracing Darkness

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A man and a woman excuse themselves from a conversation with a couple of other guests and approach us.

“Margaret, Howard,” says Mr. Cunningham, spreading his arms in a welcoming gesture. He kisses Vicky’s mom on both cheeks and shakes her father’s hand. “It’s so wonderful to seeyou both here.”

I’m beginning to feel out of place, and I turn to Mr. Cunningham to excuse myself. But in doing so, I can’t help glancing at Ayden, whose breathtakingly beautiful eyes pierce my heart. Before I have a chance to say anything, Mr. Cunningham addresses Vicky’s parents again.

“You must be incredibly proud of your daughter. From what I hear, she keeps going from strength to strength. Just like this young man here.” He acknowledges Ayden with a nod. “Two young people we can really pin our hopes on.”

“They’re both doing so well,” Mr. Collins agrees. “They have a bright future ahead of them.”

“Thank you. We’re so pleased that Victoria came to her senses,” says her mother. “As you know, Albert, it wasn’t an easy time for us when Vicky got those ideas in her head. And that boy she was planning to run off with!” She rolls her eyes.

“Puberty,” says her father. “I remember saying at the time that the whole crazy notion would blow over.”

Vicky raises her eyebrows and snorts irritably. Then her eyes wander in my direction, and a look of disdain spreads across her face.

“In any case, we were so relieved, and we’re delighted that she’s continuing her work with the hunters,” says her mother. “It doesn’t have to be forever. She’ll do her part, as all of us are duty bound to do. She’ll gain experience and take from that what’s important to her. And someday she’ll take over our position on the Council.”

“Mom,” Vicky hisses. “We’ve talked about this. I stayed with the hunters, but I’m still going to make my own choices.”

“Of course, darling. That goes without saying,” her mother replies, kissing the side of her daughter’s head. She turns to Ayden. “Ayden, how are you? It’s been such a long time. You should pay us a visit again sometime.”

“Thanks, I’ll definitely take you up on that. There’s just been a lot going on lately.”

“I heard you were away for a few weeks not long ago, to test a new candidate,” Vicky’s father chimes in. My stomach clenches at these words. “It’s great that you’re already handling such challenging assignments at such a young age.”

His wife nods in agreement. “I’ve tried so many times to talk some sense into Victoria. I don’t understand how she can let such a good-looking, promising young man slip through her fingers.”

“Mom, that’s enough,” Vicky hisses, looking mortified.

“What? He’s a wonderful catch, and you two get along so well.”

Ayden laughs and shakes his head, shooting me the briefest of glances as he does so – or did I imagine that?

“Thanks for the compliment, but I think Vicky knows what she’s doing, and our friendship is too important to me to risk jeopardizing it.” He looks at Vicky, and I see that mischievous expression on his face that I love so much.

She glares at him and says, “We should keep moving. I’m sure my parents have things to discuss with Mr. Cunningham.”

She bids goodbye to the group with a curt nod. As they’re leaving, I could swear I feel Ayden’s eyes on me again. But when I look over, he’s already disappeared into the crowd.

“A wonderful pair,” says Mr. Cunningham, watching them go. “And so much potential. I’m sure they’ll make excellent and loyal Council members in future. We can expect a lot from them.”

“Yes. It would be so wonderful for Victoria to have a dependable partner by her side,” Vicky’s mother remarks with a shake of her head. “But you know her. I just hope the two of them will find their way to each other someday.”

The conversation is becoming way too personal for me, and I can’t stand it any longer. Vicky’s father is now speaking, but I interrupt him mid-sentence and say, “We should be going. It wasnice to meet you.” I get some startled looks and hurry away from the group with Kate.

Vicky and Ayden. Even Mr. Cunningham seems to hope they’ll become a couple. What a wonderful pair... Actually, they probably would be. But I can’t let that idea derail me. Me and Ayden will never happen. It’s over. But why does it have to hurt like this?

I snatch a glass of champagne from a waiter sweeping past us – I’m so fast that he doesn’t have time to question my age. Then I quickly weave my way through the crowd and drain the glass. The next time I glance around, Kate is gone. I must have lost her in the crowd.

As I’m searching for her, I hear someone step up to the microphone and start speaking.

“It’s wonderful to see so many of you here tonight. It really shows how much we do care about the issue of breast cancer and that we’ve come together to support and further the research.”

Kate’s mom is standing at the podium wearing a strapless dress and elegantly piled hair. She looks professional, totally relaxed, and speaks in a charming tone that I’ve never heard from her before.

While she talks, I continue to search for Kate, blundering through the crowds of people listening attentively to her speech. To get a better overview, I try to escape the throng and make my way to the side of the hall. Finally, I can move freely again, and I turn in a circle, keeping my eyes peeled for Kate. I walk a few steps toward a marble column and stop in my tracks when I discover two people behind it.

Chapter 8
