Page 153 of Bound in Darkness

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“Absolutely. This stays here,” Chase and I say in unison.

“Great.” Liam claps his hands together, looking at me, then at Chase. “Tell me everything you can about the cult and what you experienced. The more information you can give me about Orpheus, Rosario, and Daemon, the better.”

Later that night, Chase and I sit on the couch in the basement, while Jeff and Melody sit on the couch beside us.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Mel. Sinus infections suck.”

She nods, cuddling closer to Jeff. “Me too. I felt awful. Plus, I missed the three of you.”

“But you missed me the most, right?” Jeff teases.

Mel and I roll our eyes at one another before she says, “Of course I did.” He pretends to look hurt until she turns his face and kisses him. “Here, have another slice of pizza. You’ll feel better.”

Chase and I laugh as Mel grabs a slice from the box, shoving it into Jeff’s mouth. He chews the huge bite for a bit, then swallows. “We may need to go for a run tomorrow morning. I’ll need to burn off all the calories Mel is shoving in my mouth.”

“I’m in. How about you, angel?” Chase leans over, nuzzling my neck, making me squeal and push him away.

“Stop. I don’t need a hard-on right now.” My gaze darts to Jeff and Mel, who are watching us with amused expressions.

“Yes, avoid it until later. I’m putting headphones on tonight. I was upstairs watching TV and heard your show last night.”

My face and neck heat. “Oh, God.” Burying my face against Chase’s sweatshirt, I mumbled, “Please tell me you’re joking.”

Chase laughs, running his fingers down my back.

“I wish. But don’t worry. It was just me. Mom and Dad were already in bed, so they didn’t hear anything. I was up late, trying to convince Mel to let me sneak in her window. She was lame and refused.”

“I was sick and looked like crap,” she protested. “Cut me a break.”

“You never look like crap, babe.” He gives her a quick kiss.

“Awe, Jeff. So sweet.”

“You know it.”

I pull my face from Chase’s shirt, hoping it’s a dull shade of pink instead of the flaming red. “I’m so glad we’re on break. I donotlook forward to returning to Emerson High.”

Chase stiffens beside me, not saying anything. I clasp my fingers around his hand, my touch soothing.

Jeff looks at Chase, shifting his weight. “Glad you brought that up, Kenz.” His eyes don’t leave Chase. “I wanted to bring this up but wasn’t sure how. Have the two of you considered cyber school?”

Chase raises his brows, studying Jeff. “What do Alex and Brady have planned,” he says through gritted teeth.

Jeff blows out a breath. “I overheard Jamie and Jessie laughing and talking about Alex and Brady planning to do things to irritate you to see if they can get you permanently expelled and thrown in jail for assault. It sounded like they plan to mess with Kenz to piss you off.” Jeff shoots me an apologetic look. “Jamie and Jessie are bullies, Kenz. They are going to make your life miserable. Jamie is mad that Alex still likes you.”

I cast a worried look at Chase, already knowing he’s angry. I can feel it whirling from his skin into me.

Chase studies me before looking at Jeff. “I’ll check into it. That sounds like it could be a good option for us.”

“We’ll still be friends, right?” My voice sounds panicky as my gaze darts from Mel to Jeff.

“Of course. And if you and Chase move out at some point, Mel and I will hang out with you at your place and you can come here.” Jeff gives me a smile before winking at Chase. “You can’t get rid of us that easily.”

“I second Jeff’s remarks. We love you guys.”

The tension leaves my body as a wide grin spreads across my face. “We love you, too.” I lean back, cuddling against Chase, feeling hopeful for the first time in quite a while.

“I love to see you happy and relaxed,” he whispers as Jeff starts the movie. “I’ll do anything to keep you in this state.”
