Page 57 of Sinister Lies

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I sprung back to my full height, unable to get out of his reach, before Isaac grasped my t-shirt and pushed me down on the bed. My hand darted out to slap him as he advanced closer, but he was too fast and too strong.

Just like that, the asshole was on top of me and had my arms pinned.

He lifted up and pressed his knee into my closed thighs, the pain making me grit my teeth. Isaac chuckled softly the more I fought against him. He wedged his knee deeper until the pain became too much to bear, and I had no choice but to give in and spread my legs for him.

“You might not survive this,” he whispered in a low voice, so soft I almost didn’t hear him. “So, I think I’ll steal one last taste, just in case.”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” I hissed, but the fucker didn’t listen. He kept one hand locked securely around my arms and against my protest, proceeded to rip my panties off with the other.

He moved like lightning, burying his face into my pussy before I could ever sit up in time to stop him. My hands tugged violently at his hair when he plunged two fingers inside me and hooked them.

“Isaac,” I rasped, hating how fast the heat had burrowed in my core. “Stop.”

Still, he refused to listen. He continued to suck and lick and bite all over my clit until my legs were shaking and I was a boneless, mewling mess.

“You’re late,” Phantom snapped at me when Isaac escorted me to our destination ten minutes later.

Isaac expelled a smug chuckle, shooting me a wink I about slapped off his asshole face. “Sorry ‘bout that. We got a little…distracted.”

He waggled his brows, which sent currents of snickers and whispers in the air. Pretty sure I heard a few girls and some of the male recruits cough the wordslutunder their breaths, too.

Great. Just what the fuck I needed right now.

“Line the fuck up,” Rhett—who was standing next to Phantom by the entrance to the gym—darkly sneered at the group, who were all dressed and waiting poolside in their swimwear.

I rolled my eyes at the foul looks they were giving me and stripped out of my tank, shorts, and shoes. As I merged in line with the others, I caught Rhett’s gaze. A blush reddened his handsome cheeks, grazing heat across mine.

Phantom nudged Rhett’s shoulder and shot him a critical look, mouthing something nobody but Rhett could hear. I cracked a smile when he offered Phantom a smirk and then opened the door behind him.

He disappeared, stepping out a moment later with an insanely large box. He carefully passed it off to Phantom before twisting back to grab another one.

Everyone wordlessly watched as Phantom delivered the first box to Isaac, who was already behind him with his hands out and waiting. A minute later, there were three in all planted in front of us. Fear clutched my soul when Phantom stepped forward and, one by one, kicked them over, exposing the contents.




My heart hammered as I swept over the items again, the harsh reality suctioning all the air out of my lungs.

“Scared?” Phantom asked, his lips splitting into a dark, humorless grin. “Good. You should be.”

I wasn’t sure if he was speaking to me directly or the others, but to answer his question, yes. I was fucking terrified.

And as I leaned forward a little, spotting Kinsley in the middle of the line, she turned her head like she’d somehowknewI was searching for her. She swallowed hard, looking just as panicked as I felt. Her throat frantically bobbed before she tore her sight away from me just as Isaac began speaking.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen.”

He took a few steps forward with his own crooked smile carved up his mouth.

“The first trial will be performed in teams of two. Your partners have already been pre-selected by yours truly and my brothers. One of you will be chained, locked up tight, and thrown inside the pool with two fifty-pound weights chained around your ankles. It’s up to your partner to set you free before…well…” Isaac shook his head and chuckled darkly. “The rest is self-explanatory.”

Rhett took a step forward then. “And before any of you get anyunwiseideas to run.” He raised his right hand and brought his thumb and middle finger to his mouth, whistling.

My breath hitched as half a dozen guards marched inside, two carrying chains and locks. They slammed the doors shut, then wrapped the chains snugly around through the handles, locking us inside with just a simple click from a brass lock.

My stomach curdled. My throat was so tight it was all I could do to breathe.
