Page 13 of Mafia Tales

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He chuckles, the scar twitching on the side of his face in a macabre fashion. “No problem at all. Trying to figure out what is so special about you.” His shoulder gives a shrug, but his eyes don’t move. They are flat and so dark they are almost black. At one point James and I got along just fine. I’d ask about his new scar, but that seems like it would be callous and insensitive. “We came a long way just to pick you up Princess.”

“I’m not special.” The retort is instant. But it feels true. I have never thought that there was anything special about me at all. Certainly, Riven never thought I was special. Not special enough to keep. The thought is bitter, but it reverberates bitterly around in my head.

“That’s not true at all,” Riven’s voice is barely a whisper, but when I slide my glance, his eyes are still on the road, his hands sure and steady on the wheel as he guides the car through the forest. “You’ve always been special.” I nearly make aretort about him leaving me behind, but this doesn’t seem like the time to get into it. Instead, I opt for a less controversial topic.

“Where are we going, anyway? What’s the first move?” It seems like I made a rash choice getting into the car now. With the doors closed and us hurtling along through the darkened woods, I am wondering how wise of a decision this was. I don’t really know Riven and James any more or what they are capable of. I’ve heard of Riven and his business with the Syndicate. He’s not exactly known as Mr. Nice Guy. BB Solutions. Big Bad Wolf - Riven’s little joke. James, well the before-James, he had been all smiles and jokes. After-James … well he is someone I don’t know at all.

“Regrets, Red?” Riven chuckles, obviously amused. He reaches out a hand to clasp my thigh — heavy and large. The heat from his fingers seems to burn through my jeans. I hyper-focus on the hole in the tattered fabric right under his palm. “We’re going to a home that I have here in the forest.” He slides a glance my way. I nod and lean back against the seat and try to enjoy the scenery, ignoring the wetness between my thighs.

Chapter Ten


I’m having a hard time staying on task as I drive to the house that I keep deep in the Picmond forest. While BB Solutions might have an office in the fanciest district in Cloverdale, we have been very good at having bolt holes throughout the kingdom. Being involved in the criminal underworld means you always need a place to run to. This location is one of my favorites.

I glance over at Rowan, my gaze lingering on how the sun through the window highlights the colors in her hair. Her focus is completely engaged in tracing around the frayed edges of a tear in her jeans, as if she could unravel its mysteries with just her fingertip. I’ve been trying to think through the issues with Marco, but I imagine all the ways we could keep busy tonight. With effort, Ishift my attention back to the road and try to concentrate on what needs to be done.

We drive around the next bend and nestled into the mountain by a flowing creek is the Picmond House. I can see that Rowan approves as she sits up straighter and sets an arm against the car door, pressing closer to see it.

Picmond House has been my get away from the city, a place for me to let my wolf out to roam freely undetected, safe from prying eyes. A sanctuary for me. It is also a place that Marco probably knows about. Lillian knew about it, so it stands to reason our peace is short.

Despite the beauty of the surroundings, I know that danger lurks in the shadows. It is something that I learned early in life — to watch the darkness. You never knew what would reach out and bite you. As we pull up to the house, James gives me a nod that assures me, he will keep watch. Then he lopes off into the woods.

"Where is he going?" Rowan is nonplussed, but I can tell that she's picking up on my unease. She looks over at me, confusion etched on her face.

I shrug in response to Rowan's question, "Doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. I don't like tobe unprepared. James will keep watch." The sun is beginning to set, and darkness will soon take over the mountain. I consider her for a moment, noting the concern on her face. "I could call additional men if you'd like," I offer, wanting her to feel safe and secure in our current location.

“If you felt it was necessary, you would have already done so.” She shrugs, then adds. “Not to mention if Marco shows up, I hope he gets a bullet in between his eyes.”

As we exit the car, Rowan takes a few moments to admire the classic architecture before turning towards me with an eager smile. "This is quite impressive," she says, her admiration clear in her voice. "How long have you been coming here?"

"A while," I reply vaguely as I look around for any signs of Marco or his men lurking about. My senses are on high alert for any hint of intruders as I take in every detail of our surroundings with my sharp gray eyes. Heeding my unease, Rowan follows suit and begins searching for any clues that someone may be present without us knowing it: suspicious tracks in the dirt outside; any sounds that seem out of place; any odd smells that are unfamiliar; anything that could give us an idea of who might be here waiting for us. If anyone is here, we'll know soon enough. This new version of Rowan is even more interestingthan the one I knew five years ago. The edge to her is sharper than before. Bloodthirsty. I like it.

"Shall we?" I gesture towards the house, and she nods, a fierce determination in her eyes. I wonder if she’s thinking of her refusal to submit earlier. I know I am. As we walk towards the house, our footsteps echoing through the quiet forest, I'm aware of her presence next to me. Her copper hair is a banner against the greens of the forest.

Her eyes are wide as she takes in the modern design. It is beautiful, all clean lines, and polished wood. “Do you like it?” I ask as she wanders from room to room.

Rowan explores around me, lifting her hand to trace each object she passes with her fingers as if searching for its story. She picks up a small painted figure from a side table and holds it close to her chest. It’s a small carving of a robin that she bought at a village fair before we were dating as a gift to me. As I watch her, I remember that feeling of being in this place; one free from worry or fear - at least for now.

“You still have it?”

“I do,” I confirm. There was no way I’d give up my very first gift. She had no way of knowing then how much it had meant to me.

“It’s a beautiful home. I’ve honestly never seen a place in Picmond like it.” Her voice echoes from down a hallway where she has poked her head into a bedroom. I can't help but admire the way her clothes hug her curves, accentuating her ample assets. I take a sip of the whiskey I poured, savoring the burn as it slides down my throat.

As she walks back to the living area, Rowan takes a deep breath, her eyes fixed on mine. "So, what's the plan?"

I lean back, swirling my drink in my hand. "Marco will eventually come to us. I’d be surprised if we wait more than a day or two. However, tomorrow we have plans for a few well-timed visits to a few of his more popular locations."

There is understanding in her gaze. "You think he’ll come to kill you?" Then her eyes widen. “Put an end to Gallego Syndicate? Truly take over.”

I nod, my gaze on her steadily. “That’s the intel that I have. That he wants the Syndicate.However, if Lillian was a target, then you are potentially a target too Red. He’s willing to do anything to get it. I don’t doubt that he’ll try to take me out. And if he can't get to me, he'll go after those closest to me.” I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation heavy on my shoulders. "That's why we need to be ready, and we need to be smart."

Rowan’s eyes narrow, her jaw clenched tight. "Then let's be smart. Let's take him out before he takes us out." I watch as she settles into a nearby chair, her demeanor shifting from curious to determined. "What's our next move?"

I lean against the wall, my eyes never leaving hers. "Our next move is to gather more intelligence. We need to know where he is, who he's working with, and what his next move is." I pause for a moment and smile, a dangerous glint in my eye. "If he knows you’re here, then he’ll be after both of us. Then it’ll be just convenient. Too convenient for him to pass up. We think." I add at the end.

“So, we are bait?” Rowan’s expression wars between admiration, acceptance, and a bit of glee. “You aren’t worried at all?” She finally asks.
