Page 17 of Mafia Tales

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“We need her,” James answered. “They should be expecting us, but they won’t be expecting the additional forces.”

I certainly couldn’t deny that we needed a witch with access to potions, but Charming would not be pleased. The raven-haired witch was the epitome of everything he disliked. They are oil and water.

We move back to the map and our planning, going over everything again and again until we are sure that we had it right. It isn’t until we put things away and I move to make coffee that Rowan comes downstairs still looking sleepy but showered and dressed all in black. I have no doubt that she has plans to accompany us.

“Good morning.” Her eyes meet mine with a challenge, but I will not give her one. Not on this. I’d prefer she stay back, but I won’t deny her the opportunity to witness Marco’s destruction and death if that’s what she wants. Granted, I’ll stack a contingent of men around her to keep her safe, but she can come.

“Good morning. Coffee?” Rowan nods, coming forward to accept a cup. My cock hardens just looking at her and thinking about last night. I can tell she’s thinking about it too, because there is a blush creeping up her neck.

“Morning,” she mumbles. “I’m assuming you gentlemen have been planning.”

“We certainly have. Come on. I’ll tell you about it before we get going. We’ll all be leaving soon.” I’m deliberate in my answer. Settling around the table, I show her the map of the area, the compound where Marco and his men are at. “Charming and his men will arrive here. Our men will come in here.” I point to the various areas. While Marco is well up on Albani Ridge, where the warehouse is well-fortified, they also have to sacrifice the ability to monitor the entire perimeter. “We will meet up with our team there, but we will go on foot from this road.”

“I see. What about the ogres? Do you have a plan for that?”

“We do. We’ve fought them before; however, James has also activated a witch that we use. She can handle the ogres.” Not able to resist any longer, I lean in to kiss her, nipping her bottom lip. “I’d ask you to stay here, but I know you wouldn’t agree.”

“You’re right.” She nips me back and I can’t help but enjoy the way she challenges me. “I wouldn’t. When do we leave?”

“As soon as you finish your coffee.” Smoothing my hand down her back, I put my head into the game, tucking up the map and go to help James with the weapons. My men will bring additional supplies, but we do have the basics here to get us to the rendezvous point.

The drive is long and quiet. Rowan is thoughtful beside me in the car, watching the forest fall away on the roadside. She braided her hair back tightly. Smart. Less chance of someone getting ahold of those auburn strands, not that I’d allow any fucker to get his hands on her, but it’s a good precaution. Deep into the forest I park the car and we pile out. James and I have already made sure that silver bullets are in the magazines. Therewill be no coming back from one of those for Marco or the shifters in his compound. Death will be imminent if they are hit with one of those, but I am hoping to be the one to get Marco beneath my jaws.

I point to the weapons cache, and Rowan steps towards it. James tips his chin in acknowledgement as a small woman emerges from the woods. Violet, the witch that I didn't want to use. There is an air of power about her that seems to fill the space between us and strikes fear into my heart.

“Afternoon,” she says. She looks like she is out for an outing at the club in a sequined mini dress, her eyes heavy with kohl. “How’s things? You’re Rowan, right?” She sticks her hand forward to shake Rowan’s.

“Yeah, hi.” Rowan looks intrigued and puts out a hand. “I’m Rowan. Who are you?” I step forward and block her from Violet.

“That’s the witch,” I state flatly. “No touching Red.” Rowan steps deftly around me and takes Violet’s hand, ignoring me completely. I shudder involuntarily.

"Don't mind him – he can be really grumpy. It's nice to meet you." She has a mischievous glint inher eye as gives Violet a knowing wink, and to my surprise, Violet replies with an identical expression of amusement.

“I’m Violet,” she gives James a little smile and then settles her hands in the pockets of her cloak. “Are we off then?”

We grab our weapons and make our way deeper into the forest. The plan is simple. We will head into the forest and rendezvous with our men and then Charming's group. From there will hit the compound.

The air feels heavy with anticipation as I step over the broken branches and damp foliage underneath my feet. Violet is to deal with the ogres. Witches are a powerful ally against magical creatures, able to lull them to a deep sleep and alter their memories. It is the most effective way to deal with them, and the most expensive. James says that Violet is trustworthy, but I don’t have an interest in trusting anyone who can change my memories like that.

I silently motion for them to stay near as we creep as close as we can get to Marco’s compound. When we finally reach the outskirts of the encampment, I stop in my tracks and hold up my hand as a signal. We stand still, not daring to make a sound, as we wait for the other groups toarrive. Rowan sticks close to my side, her fingers tucked into mine.

In the distance, I can see the headlights of Charming's group and my own men, making their way towards us. Violet has magicked the lights, so they are invisible to those in the compound (hopefully). The plan is to hit the enemy from all sides, to catch them off guard. Marco is to be taken down, wiped from the kingdom. We move stealthily, the only sounds being the crunching of twigs and leaves under our feet.

I take a deep breath and raise my hand, counting down silently in my head.

And then we attack.

Violet leads the way, weaving her magic to put the ogres to sleep and erasing any memories of our presence. They will wake up confused and will have no memories of why they were there. Convenient and very expensive. Emphasis on the very. Unfortunately, Charming doesn’t like witches, or we’d have a whole team of them.

The rest of us move quickly, it is like a wave crashing against the shore. The sound of boots hitting the ground and the clanking of weapons echo through the compound. We move in unison, taking out the guards with ease. The sound of gunfire fills the air, but I barely register it as I search for Marco. I can practically feel his presence, his aura of power, and it draws me closer.

I round a corner and there he is, surrounded by his men. I bare my teeth as we charge forward, my senses heightened as we move through the compound like a well-oiled machine. The sound of gunshots and roars fill the air, and I feel the hot rush of adrenaline as I catch sight of Marco. Marco is a tall and imposing figure, his eyes dark and dangerous. I can feel the anger boiling inside me, the desire for justice.

With a roar, I leap forward, shifting as I do so. My claws extended I slash at the nearest shifter. Blood sprays across the ground as I land on all fours, ready to take on Marco himself. He steps forward, a smirk on his face as he shifts. I can tell he recognizes me, and I relish in the fear that crosses his features.

We circle each other, and I can feel the others fighting off the remaining shifters. It is just me and Marco now. He lunges forward, but I am ready for him. I dodge to the side and slash at hisside with my claws. He howls in pain, but it only fuels my desire to destroy him.
