Page 105 of Resisting Desire

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“That’s ridiculous. If I wanted her to stay, it’s because I love her.”

Jake laughs. “You’re going to learn a life lesson here.” He holds up a finger. “One, your timing was about as bad as it could possibly be.” He holds up a second finger. “Two, you need to show her you love her, not tell her. Otherwise, she isn’t going to believe it. Taking her on fancy dates doesn’t show her shit.”

“Then what the hell am I supposed to do? She’s made it clear she doesn’t feel the same.”

Lana’s eyes sparkle as she answers. “Liz loves you. She’s been miserable ever since she left. You have to show her that you love her. Show her thatshe means the world to you and that you’d do anything and everything for her.”

Could she be right? Does Liz love me?

A tiny spark of hope ignites within me.

I think for a few seconds.

Everyone looks at me expectantly.

Abruptly, I stand up. “I’m going to have to ask you all to leave now.”

They all look at each other, confusion written on their faces. No one makes a move to leave.

“Now,” I repeat.

“Ethan, please don’t be mad at us,” Jake says. “We really only want the best for you. We want you to be happy. You and Liz belong together. You’re just being too stubborn to see it.”

I look at each of them and can’t help the big grin that spreads across my face. “I’m telling you to leave because I need to get a bag packed. I’m going on a road trip.”

Lana squeals and hugs Jake. “See, I knew we could do it,” she says.

Jake smiles down at her. “Baby, we didn’t do a thing. He would have eventually gotten here. We just gave him a little push to make it happen sooner.”

“Good luck,” Dax says, clapping me on the shoulder.

I smirk at him. “Thanks. I’m gonna probably need it.”

Chapter 29


The sound of Matthew fussing wakes me from a restless nap. I should feel grateful it’s Saturday and I was actually able to take a nap, but I really just feel so tired. Matthew is sucking his fingers hungrily when I make it over to his bassinet. He hasn’t started crying, which is good.

I pick him up and rock him as I make my way to the kitchen. I hurriedly make his bottle and pop it into his mouth before the wailing begins.

I’ve got to somehow get out of this funk. I can’t spend my days sitting around and wishing for something that’ll never happen. I realize how unhealthy it is for both me and the baby. I moved here to make a fresh start, and all I’ve done is work and mope around in the apartment. That has to change.

As hard as it is, I must pick myself up and move on. After all, I only have myself to rely on now. And Matthew needs a happy mom.

Matthew greedily sucks down the bottle until he’s all done. I look down at his sweet face and realize how lucky I am. I don’t have Ethan, but I have someone else who loves me unconditionally, and it will have to be enough.

Starting today, I will make a real effort to be happy here. To do that, I have to get out of this house. I put Matthew in his bassinet and begin to search through my closet. I pick out a pair of fitted jeans and a nice blouse. Once dressed, I slip on a pair of flats and am ready to go. I almost feel human again.

Determined to make the most of what’s left of the day, I pack up a sandwich and Matthew and I head out the door. There are a few hours of sunlight left in the day. A nice walk could do us good. I’ve been wanting to take a look at the lake near my apartment complex.

It only takes ten minutes to get to the lake. Matthew is content as we walk along the path. He’s happily looking up at me, kicking his feet. As the wind blows through my loose hair, a sense of calm washes over me. I shouldn’t have waited so long to do this, to get out of the apartment.

“Hey, hey, excuse me!” I hear a voice behind me. I look back and see a man a few feet behind me. “This blanket just fell out of your stroller,” he says while holding up one of Matthew’s blue burp cloths.

“Oh, thanks so much.”

“No problem. Did you just move in? I think we might be neighbors,” he says.
