Page 83 of Resisting Desire

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“Your parents are so sweet,” I say longingly. It’s upsetting that Matthew will miss out on having a relationship with my parents. And now, I’m taking him away from Ethan’s parents, too. It’s not the first time I wish things could be different.

“I have that rom-com you requested.” He makes a gagging sound after saying that.

I laugh at the face he’s making. “I told you to pick something else if you didn’t want to see it. You only have yourself to blame.”

“No, no, I reeeeeally want to see it. I swear.” He tells the lie with a big grin that only gets bigger when I hit him playfully on his arm.

He rubs his arm in pretend pain as we walk through the doors of his theater.

“Wow, do you know I’ve never been in this room before?”

The impressive theater is painted in a medium gray color and decorated in blacks and grays throughout. The theater lighting on the sides and the vintage movie posters hanging on the wall give the room added charm. There is a bar, a popcorn machine, a snack area, and two rows of stadium seating. The back row has black leather chairs, and the front row has reclining lounge beds that are perfect for lying down and watching a movie.

This is way better than going out.

Ethan picks up the remote and gets the movie ready while I divvy out the pizza and get a couple of cans of soda from the mini fridge. When he’s done, he sits back in one of the beds and pats the spot next to him. “Have a seat. I’m starving.”

“I’ve never seen beds in a movie theater before. This is kinda cool.”

“I love these beds. We can sit up or press this button, and we can lie back once we are done eating.” He presses the button on the side to show me how to adjust the bed.

Within minutes, we relax and settle back for the movie.

The crick in my neck wakes me up. I sense the darkness, but I keep my eyes closed. I’m disoriented for a moment. The last thing I remember is watching a movie with Ethan.

We must have fallen asleep watching the movie. My eyes fly open. I can’t see much in the dark room, but I can feel him. His arm is under me, and my arm is wrapped around him. I feel his breath tickling the small hairs on my forehead. I’m afraid I’ll wake him up if I move, so I choose to snuggle up closer and lie quietly instead.

I listen to the gentle rhythm of Ethan’s heart as he sleeps peacefully. My hand rises and falls with the movements of his chest. His face is relaxed in sleep, so peaceful. I’ve never had the chance to see him like this. He smiles in his sleep, and my heart clenches at the sight.

Suddenly, he moves his hand to cover my hand that’s lying on his chest. “You’re awake,” he says sleepily, his head inclining toward mine. “You missed half of the movie.”

Gah, the smokey sound of his sleepy voice is way sexier than it should be. “You were awake this whole time!” I say accusingly.

“Not the entire time. I woke up when you started rubbing your hands on my chest. I decided to let you keep doing that,” he says huskily.

“Then why’d you stop me?” I tease softly.

“Why did I stop you?” he asks roughly. “Because we’ve spent the last two weeks together, but not really together. Having you near me but being unable to touch you is driving me insane.”

“It’s been difficult for me, too,” I admit. “There’s no denying the physical chemistry between us.”

Even now, my breasts tighten in anticipation. I know I should get up, get away from him, but I’m powerless to move. I’m enjoying a momentI thought I’d never have again with Ethan. I’m not willing to give it up just yet.

“Difficult? Yeah, you could say that. You have no idea how close I am to stripping you naked and fucking you until you forget everything except my name,” he growls suddenly, unexpectedly.

I go completely still as instant fire invades my belly. He knows how to turn me on with a few simple words. It would be so easy to give in to what we both want. Knowing tomorrow will be filled with regret doesn’t stop me from wanting this right now.

“And what happens when we wake up tomorrow? We’ll go back to our normal lives as though nothing happened?”

Ethan squeezes my hand. “Do we have to think about tomorrow? You want me. I want you. Seems like an easy decision.”

Maybe, just one last time . . .

I lean up on my elbow to look down at him. In the darkness, his eyes have taken on an almost midnight-blue color. The heat of that stare pounds through me with an intensity that is almost scary. “Sometimes I get tired of overthinking everything.”

Ethan sweeps aside my hair that had fallen forward and tucks it behind my ear. He moves that same hand behind my neck. “Then don’t overthink it,” he whispers as he pulls me to him.

“It’s just not a good idea,” I protest, but my voice lacks any sort of conviction.
